Thursday, February 8, 2007

basket case

In one group, a girl said something that seemed profound. She said, to no-one in particular, that her goal now was learning to forget. I thought about that for a long time. Learning to forget. Forgetting, I decided, was one thing you couldn't learn. One thing I couldn't learn.

I called Steve's number over and over again, monopolizing the only telephone on the floor. When I finally reached him, I told him where I was. Then I made him promise not to tell Sarah. That made me feel better, because I knew he was lying, and that, even as I was hanging up the phone, he was calling her, repeating everything I'd said, word for word.


Anonymous said...

Since you commented about Jewish topics before, I want to encourage you to look at Parshat Zachor. It is the last three verses in Deuteronomy 25. The Torah says 'Remember what Amalek did to you on the way, upon your departure from Egypt'... 'You shall erase the memory of Amalek from beneath the heavens, you shall not forget." We are commanded to erase the memory of the terrible thing that happened to us and at the same time we are told not to forget it. My father, who is a Holocaust survivor, always descibed this to me at the commandment to remember to forget.

Kathy McC said...

Things you forget:

Where you put your car keys.

The code to your cell phone unlock.

What time your supposed to be at XYZ to meet ABC.

Things you can't forget (and shouldn't):

Your lost children.

I don't see how it would be possible to forget.