Friday, June 15, 2007

by definition

There are three kinds of people: those who can count and those who can't. My sister, who lives far away and has an important and mysterious job, introduced me to another system of classification, which she undoubtedly lifted, without attribution, from some other source. Everything and everyone, she explained, is either boring or annoying.

So, which one are you? Boring or annoying?

Now, this is no place for temporizing. I'm not looking for something like: "Well, sometimes I'm kinda boring, but not really. And other times, I guess some people might get the impression that I'm tiny bit annoying. But on the whole, I think that I'm a good combination of the two and you could even say that, actually, I'm quite interesting and charming." No, no, no. Be bloody, bold and resolute. Pick an unflattering adjective and wave it like a flag.

Are you boring or are you annoying? I'll go first. I'm boring.

Note to lurkers: Y'know, this only requires a one-word answer. I'm just saying.


Jillian said...


StyleyGeek said...


Roxanne said...


(I'm way too vain to call myself boring, which must make me annoying!)

S said...

Heh. I love vixanne's answer.

I'm boring. Because I try too hard not to be annoying.

Sara said...

Oh, I'm annoying. For sure.

MB said...


Anonymous said...

Give up on the lurkers, its like trying to get blood out of a stone :)

I guess that makes me annoying!

Caro said...


Magpie said...

Boring. And I can count.

Unknown said...


And probably annoying in my boringness.

I also can't count without using my fingers.

Phantom Scribbler said...


Lori said...

Definitely boring. Even to myself sometimes.

Anonymous said...

oh so boring

Paula (lurker)

Casey said...

Mind-numbingly boring.

S. said...

Annoying and annoyed, because I thought I'd said this earlier.

Amy said...


Julia said...


Furrow said...

boring. zzzzzzzzzadsla akljnca
oops, I just put myself to sleep at the keyboard.

Roxanne said...

If you're all so boring, how come I read your blogs?


By the way, Niobe, you are definitely not boring!

niobe said...

Waaaah...Vixanne called me annoying.

Katie said...

Very definitely annoying, and far too easily annoyed, something I'm trying to work on but why oh why are there so many stupid people in this world??

Aite said...

peeved by artblog's attack on the lurkers, i have to say:


niobe said...

Aite: Actually, even before you posted this, I was going to say that, in fact, I'm planning to have a Lurker Appreciation Day in the near-to-middle future. Which is one of the reasons that I'm trying to get a sense of who's out there.

painted maypole said...


(and apparently slow, because it took me way too long to get the "three kinds of people" joke. arg!)

Doughnut said...

BORING (since this a self report...not sure what others might think).

Anonymous said...

Me: boring.
Until now, I only knew the computer scientist version of your counting joke: there are only 10 kinds of people, those who know binary and those who don't. I'm such a geek.

Anonymous said...

boring, particularly on bussiness dinners


Ruby said...


Yankee T said...

one of the most annoying people on earth.

Anonymous said...

I'm to annoying what ketchup is to red.

Roxanne said...

Ha ha.


susan said...

Another bore reporting in!

Anonymous said...


DD said...

Annoying with a capital A.

Still Born said...


BasilBean said...

I'm pretty sure that I am annoying.

bgirl said...

after much vacillating...boring. which really annoys me.

Rashid Malik said...

Maybe a little boring.

The Oneliner (Christina) said...

the one who lives to play devil's advocate and will not let friends drop out of life when tragedy strikes and tells the same bad joke over and over like,
two muffins are in the oven.
one says "man its getting hot in here,
the other "holy cow! a talking muffin!"
and makes you volunteer for who knows what every so often and calls you at least once a month. going on ten years?

that is and i am= annoying!

Melissa said...

Boh-ring! (Say in Homer Simpson voice.)

M said...


Love the idea of Lurker Appreciation Day....

cinnamon gurl said...


L said...

I like to think that I am annoying, but I may just be flattering myself.

Anam Cara said...

Boring. Except to my husband who would most likely say annoying.

Carla said...

Definitely boring - I didn't even have to think about it.

Aurelia said...


Anonymous said...

boring... utterly & completely boring!

jo(e) said...

Annoying. Obnoxious. Drama Queen.

But never boring.

E. Phantzi said...


Cassie said...

It really depends. I think mostly I'm annoying. To the 21 yr old interns in my office, I am definitely boring. (they are annoying)

Joy said...


Bea said...


I've been dreaming up a post on almost this exact topic for the last week or two - if all jobs are either boring or stressful, which kind would you rather have?

I pick stressful - probably because I am boring.

Hales Family said...

annoying (and almost a year late posting! HAHAHA!)

Lori Lavender Luz said...

2+ more years of annoying