Tuesday, June 12, 2007

people who probably didn't want to visit my blog , but did anyway

Recently, I've had visits from people running searches for:

-- babies and eating peanuts
-- tonka bean essential oil
-- jiksaw* puzzles
-- mothers of cross-dressers

I hope they all found what they were really looking for.

*Yes, spelled just like that.


Caro said...


I must check my search data again.

Anonymous said...

Mothers of cross-dressers??

Aurelia said...

Yeah, I'm with Kathy? Huh?

Of course, mine are rather weird...

Magpie said...

Jiksaw? But if they found you that way, does that mean you'd written about "jiksaw puzzles"? Or did Google correct things, as it is wont to do?

niobe said...

Magpie -- I tried googling "jiksaw puzzles" and (well, except for this post) didn't see any results from my blog. And, even if my blog does come up when you google "jigsaw puzzles," it must be somewhere so far down the list that I can't understand why anyone would have ever retrieved it.

So, yeah, I'm mystified.

S. said...

I had one of those weirdly obscure/persistent ones early on in my spying-on-myself career. "Her cast:" can you imagine how many things come up? Broken bones, dramatic performances, fly fishing, sentences that end with "her" and begin with "cast." I went through a few pages and threw up my hands.

"Niobe blog" or a variation on it is still one of the most frequent ways people find me.

Furrow said...

oops. the ton.ka b.ean thing is my fault. I'm going to ha.ve to star.t putting wei.rd punc_tu@tion and charac)ters in mor3 of my w0rds. Esp3ci@ally when talk1ng about sq1rre3ls who like b0nd@ge.

S said...


Today I had "actor chubby glasses moustache balding."


Antropóloga said...

I get a real kick out of seeing what people search for to get to my blog. Unfortunately a lot of it is about weird things like...here, I'll cut and paste a recent one:

"my husband wants to suck milk out of me"

Other times I'll search for the same string and also can't find myself. It's weird.