Monday, July 16, 2007

square one

As in back to.

This was supposed to be my shiny happy post. You know, the one where I dot the "i"s with smiley faces. Because, let's face it, I know what you're saying to yourself. That Niobe, you're thinking, she seems like a nice enough girl and she certainly does know a lot of big words, but her blog is basically kind of a buzzkill and if you looked up emo in the dictionary, you'd see her staring right back at you. So, just for a change of pace, I was going to give you some good news and tell you that I had my interview with the social worker this morning and that Clarissa was going to have her final screening tomorrow.

Note the use of "was" in the previous sentence.

The details really don't matter, but, unfortunately, it's not going to work out with Clarissa. I know she'll be a wonderful carrier for someone, but, due to circumstances beyond our control, that someone is not going to be me. I'm sad about it, partly because this sets us back by months and partly because I'd gotten to know Clarissa a little and I really like her.

Not to mention the fact that my car's in the shop and they just called me and said they were trying really, really hard to figure out how to fix it. And my cat's been quarantined. Oh, and L sent me an email a little while ago. He's drinking espresso. At a charming outdoor café. In Paris.

edited to add: Omigosh. Clarissa commented on my blog. Thank you so much, Clarissa, for your words of encouragement. You can't possibly know how much they mean to me.


Aurelia said...

Oh my...when it rains it pours.

I'm sorry Niobe, this is just awful. I'm so sorry about Clarissa. Is it you & L. or was it something about her?

As for L., please tell me he is at least being sympathetic or decent, even if he IS in Paris?

Actually, why is he in Paris without you?

Anonymous said...

Stay focused on that strength I know you possess deep inside, Niobe. It will carry you through to your goal. Please don't be discouraged.

S said...

Oh. I'm so sorry. And at the same time so touched by Clarissa's comment.

Please don't stop going after this, okay?


Suz said...

Oh, I'm sorry, especially because you liked her.

Antropóloga said...

Suckus muchus.

You don't have to be cheery. It's not like you have a quota.

Mrs. Collins said...

Shit Niobe, I'm sorry. I don't know really what to say. I'll fall back on my favorite fortune cookie platitude. "No one conquers who does not fight". Please do not give up. I don't think it is an omen.. of course it's your interpretation that matters.. but someone today googled, "pregnancy, bad spirit", and yes my blog came up. We've really go to sit down and work out this fate, luck, fatalism, free-will shit. But I say go for it anyway.

Sara said...

Oh that sucks. Really really. I'm sorry. So sweet of Clarissa to comment. But at least you're seeing it as square one, right? Not the end.

Christine said...

paris? really? no fair.

sorry about clarissa, but don't give up. . .

Bon said...

i am so sorry, Niobe. to be set back by months is brutal, and to not be able to go forward with Clarissa...that sucks.

but i hope you do keep going forward, friend, despite how hard it is. because this goal matters to you...and clearly, Clarissa, who knows you, sees the same strength in you that we do.

though i laughed at emo, gotta tell ya. :)

think you can take a few days off, catch up with L in Paris?

Anonymous said...

You don't need it (because you sound so strong in your writing), but wishing you strength to get through this latest roadblock, Niobe.

S. said...

Just, damn.

Phantom Scribbler said...

What S. said. Double damn.

painted maypole said...

triple damn. there's just nothing else to say.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry for the set-back, Niobe. This sucks. How about getting on a plane to Paris?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

UGH, Niobe. That sucks. I'm so sorry.

Sunny said...

I am so sorry. Square one SUCKS!

Magpie said...

Damn. I'm so sorry. Can you at least get on the next plane to Paris and drown your sorrows in foie gras and Champagne?

I hope the next Clarissa materializes quickly.

niobe said...

To all those who suggested that I leave for Paris or asked why I wasn't there now: I can't get away right now because of work things. But, assuming all goes as planned (seemingly never a safe assumption), I'll be on a plane to Paris in a couple of weeks.

Anonymous said...

I think I missed something because I don't know who Clarissa is, are you thinking about surrogacy? I'm just really interested because I think it might be my best option.

And I'm really sorry it did not work out, that sucks, especially when you were planning a happy shiny post. You write beautifully and you give us Danish recipes, why wouldn't we come back?

niobe said...

carlynn: Yes, I'm looking for a surrogate/gestational carrier. I'm working with an agency and they hope to have some profiles to send me some time soon.

Furrow said...

This must have been a horrible kick in the gut. At the same time, you don't sound surprised. Like you expected it? I'm glad you're looking at other profiles soon. And I hope your cat is okay.

AJW5403 said...

So Sorry that Clarissa did not work out. I do hope that you can find a good fit for you and your husband.

Rosepetal said...

I'm sorry it didn't work out with Clarissa Niobe but I hope it will work one day with someone else.

Katie said...

That sucked. I hope things get better soon as you deserve it.

Ms. Planner said...

I am so sorry to hear this news but also know you have the fortitude to keep going.

I also hope your cat is okay.

Drowned Girl said...

I hope you find the right person

BasilBean said...

Add me to the list of people who are so sorry to hear this news. It sucks so much that you've had this set-back, but it sounds like you will continue to move forward.

Angel Mom said...

Well, that just stinks! I'm sorry.

Casey said...

Sorry, Niobe. Truly.

jo(e) said...


Julia said...

Oy. Damn to the n-th power.
Sorry to only be commenting now-- I was unplugged for a few days.

It was very nice of Clarissa to comment. You two sound like a good match. Another damn.

M said...

Oh no.... is it rude to ask why? Especially after everything seemed to be going so very well... x

Thalia said...

damnit niobe, how sad and frustrating. I am sorry.