Tuesday, November 13, 2007

i can has linkez?*

That list? That carefully crafted list of the zillion and one blogs that I read? Gone. For. Good.

I'm trying to put some semblance of it back together (on google reader this time, thankyouverymuch), but I can see that it's not going to be all that easy.

If your blog is already on my blogroll, I should be able to find it and subscribe to it again. But if your blog isn't on my blogroll and you want me to read it, please add a comment or send me an email with your site's address. If your blog isn't on my blogroll and you don't want me to read it, a comment or email probably isn't necessary.

*The post title is written in that already so-five-minutes-ago language, lolcat. If you've never heard of lolcat, consider yourself lucky. If you can't get enough of lolcat, this site will translate the front page of your blog into lolcat. With kute kittee picturez.


Anonymous said...

I have tried playing with google reader and I don't know if I like it yet. Good luck getting everything set back up.

EmmaL said...

I'm not on your blog roll...but you could keep reading my blog if you wanted to. You don't have to of course!

Lori Lavender Luz said...

I'd love to have you. http://weebleswobblog.blogspot.com


Kami said...

me too . . .

I want a LOL cat - a pic of a cat and some broken eggs and the caption will read: I'm in ur ovaries, scramblin' ur eggs.

DD said...

I actually maintain both bloglines and reader.google (I use the word "maintain" loosely), so when bloglines took a shit yesterday I was able to keep fairly caught up.

I hope both my sites can stay part of you linkage of love.

RBandRC said...

I LOVE lolcat. It's sad how much time I spend there reading and looking at pictures. :)

Of course, I would love to have you read my blog as well! Though I must admit that lolcat is a lot of the time much more interesting. And hilarious. But oh well. I can't compete with cute cats and snarky comments.

Tash said...

What I want to know is if you get extra credit for that blog-everyday-in-November-thing for postng three times today.

Luv ABFunctionin

Julie Pippert said...

I saw your post about that and I was hoping it was a temporary thing...technorati did that to me more than once, but luckily all the links came back.

That stinks! Sorry you have to rebuild!

My link is below.

Using My Words

painted maypole said...

i'm no longer on your list, and I'll miss you if you're gone!

Anonymous said...

Here ya go:


Mrs. Collins said...

I love lolcat and cheezburgers!!!!

I'm just waiting for Sophia Maria to do a cute "invisible" something pose so I can send her in to cheezburger.

Dr. Grumbles said...

I never catch my cat doing "invisible" poses, but she'd sure love to haz a cheezburger! I love lolcats forever!

Aurelia said...

Holy catz.

You have put the fear of God in my heart. If I lost all my blogs I read, I'm not sure what I'd do.

And my sidebar list is woefully out-of-date.

Antropóloga said...

Hey missy! You have caused me to waste about an hour reading http://icanhascheezburger.com

I should work on my sidebar, too.

niobe said...

Eva: And to think that people wondered about the origin of the appellation: Evilla, Handmaiden of Satan. Bwahahahah!!!!!!

Julia said...

see? lazy has its benefits. I never got around to doing bloglines. But getting google reader set up is actually on my list. Well, maybe tomorrow.
Good luck fixing the snafu.

Magpie said...


I would be sad if that happened. Though I might get more work done.

Maggie said...

I have Google Reader and I like it. Of course I haven't ever used anything else, so maybe I just don't know what I'm missing!

Good luck getting everything put back in order!


susan said...

What a drag. While I sometimes think I should pare my subscriptions down to promote better time management, it's no fun when things get deleted out from under you.


Christine said...

haven't checked if i am there, but i think you can find me through this link. . .

Pamela T. said...

Now's my chance so I'm taking it. You can add me under the "Cs":

P.S. great lolcat site

the dragonfly said...

I know you've read my blog, and you've commented, which I love. :) :)


Caro said...

Luckily my bloglines list seems to have survived whatever was going on but I may have lost some people. I hate that when people go pwp they vanish since I check far to many to keep track any other way.

Oh and LOL cats is on my bloglines - I can't resist (sorry).

Coggy said...

You come by my blog sometimes so would be nice to be on your list


MyThreeBlogs said...

I think I'm the only person on the planet who does NOT get the lolcat phenomena.... Just don't get it.

Anonymous said...

Oh no!

I'z lolcat luvar ok

Anonymous said...

ouch! You mean my bloglines might also have suffered? I need to check that as soon as possible... I should do more backups. (Hm. That was lesson 101, a long time ago.)
Good luck in re-compiling your list!

Anonymous said...

I'd love a visit.

Anonymous said...

OK, I'm an idiot. I'm on your blogroll.

Chris, Renae & Annie said...

I'm not on your blogroll but please keep reading.



Unknown said...

They did that to me too. Entering them all in again was horrific.

Now, will we hear more about Evilla, Handmaiden of Satan? Because, that's quite a lure.

Lides said...

No idea if you read me before, or would like to but here I am.


thrice said...

Oh, is that why you haven't been by to rename my blog? Cough!

Do you know that there is a button that you can place in your bookmark tool bar to easily add any blog to Google Reader that you are reading? It's da'bomb!

niobe said...

Thanks for delurking, Beth. There are tons of blogs that I just haven't heard of for one reason or another. Now that I know where yours is, I'll add it to my list.

Christine said...


come by when you can. i need a friend.

M said...

Me???????????? :P