Thursday, January 3, 2008

more honored in the breach

If I had to guess, I'd say that the three most popular New Year's resolutions are (1) to quit smoking; (2) to exercise more; and (3) to lose weight.

In my case: (1) I don't smoke; (2) despite appearances to the contrary, I do realize that I should get more exercise; and (3) I'm happy with my weight just the way it is, thankyouverymuch.

What about you? Whether or not you made resolutions this year, do any of these three typical resolutions touch on something that, ideally, you'd like to change about yourself?


Betty M said...

Every year I resolve no 2 and every year I fail. 1 is irrelevant as I don't smoke and whilst I dont weigh as little as I did in my 20s the "problem" I have with my body is to do with firmness not weight so 3 isn't for me either. My resolutions this year related to bickering/fighting with my family. Haven't done well with those either so far.

the dragonfly said...

I'd like to exercise more, but I just do what I can.

I still have baby weight, but I'm not too concerned. I'll get there.

Mostly I just try to eat okay and exercise when I can. I don't let myself get stressed about it, because I don't want my weight to rule my life.

Caro said...

Exercise more I guess but I'm planning to gain weight this year, at least up until April ;-).

Maggie said...

I am in the same boat as everyone else (so far) and do not smoke, so 1 is out for me. I exercise fairly often, so I need to keep doing it but not add it to my daily routine, knocking out 2. I could definitely lose a bit of weight, but I'm ok if I don't too - there are worse things than being a little plump....right?

As strange as it sounds, one of my new year's resolutions is to spend a little more time on myself. I'm pretty sure that the world will not come to a screeching end if I spend three minutes to put a clear coat of nail polish on, but I can never really seem to remember this.

Unknown said...

You are so lucky to be happy with your weight. I aim to be, so my goad for this year is no. 3, and so I guess I will have to do more exercise too.

Anonymous said...

I am always trying to loose weight. It isn't my New Year's resolution - it is my life resolution.

Rachel said...

I agree with "my reality"!

S said...

weight. it's been a rough year -- fatigue from anemia due to this fibroid situation has put the kibosh on exercising.


Mrs. Collins said...

I want to lose weight. And eat more fiber. That's it.

EmmaL said...

I am on a quest to exercise more as a way of battling depression - but I've been doing that for a while now. I would probably say that I would like to lose 5 pounds, but that is the low-self esteem poor body image part of me saying that while the other part of me knows how completely ridiculous that is because most people would say I'm too skinny. I'd like to be more fit I suppose. How about I would like to resolve all my issues and be "normal" - that's what I would like to change about myself. Actually, honestly - I would like to work on my self-esteem.

Anonymous said...

sad those this may seem, my resolution is to have more sex. after being together for 12 years, lets just say it is getting a little mundane... so i thought putting more effort back into that part of life might make for a "funner" year. we shall see how tired i am and whether the resolution or my desire to read wins out!

elderflowerpressee said...

Mine is to get back on my bike. In an entirely non-metaphorical way. And it's only tangentially about exercise: mainly it's about my love of cycling. Moving hemispheres and then having another baby have kept me out of the saddle for the past two and a half years, but I went out for a rather wobbly ride the other day and it made me very happy indeed.

The Goddess G said...

I'm so lazy this year I haven't even gotten around to New Year's resolutions. Maybe I could start smoking so I could quit? lol

Tash said...

My SEPTEMBER resolution was to exercise more in order to lose weight. And then I blew my foot out. So I have failed, and New Years isn't going to change this I'm afraid. I've never been one to make resolutions, some years I get a little organizational flurry, but not this.

Christine said...

just caught up on past posts--sorry i didn't comment on them all.

anyway, i am here and reading and listening.

and i don't smoke and i exercise a good deal and i lost 19 pounds in 2007, so i guess i am set with these.

for now.

Running on empty

A'Dell said...

I would like to lose all 15 of my "wah-wah, another BFN, I am going to have a cupcake" pounds that I put on in the first year of TTC.

I have never, ever understood how depression can contribute to weight gain before, but having lived in two-week increments over the past year that are reliant on short-term rewards, I GET IT.

Goodbye, cupcake pounds.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I like to have enough guts to tell someone I love him. and loose a few niobe, did you get my email?


BasilBean said...

I don't smoke either, but Mr. C's resolution this year is to stop again. He has had two very successful spans of time where he quit. The stress of cancer brought him back the first time (no, it doesn't make sense) and losing his son brought him back the second time.

I've had body image issues my entire life, despite getting lots of exercise and being either under weight or at the low end of the scale for my height.

Falling in love with running and training for the marathons did wonders for me in coming to the understanding that exercise isn't just about losing weight/fat or looking good in a bathing suit. It didn't make the body image crap go away, but it sure did help to shrink it down to a manageable size.

This year I hope to gain weight and get almost no exercise due to my self-imposed modified bedrest (that is assuming my new Peri is of the same mind as the one I consulted with in Seattle who didn't feel that I would necessarily need it...oh, and assuming I actually get pregnant).

Emily said...

I will be 30 in February. THIRTY! I think I'll pick up a nasty smoking habit, just to mix things up a bit.

Rosepetal said...

I'd like to exercise more (and have been told to by my doctor, although not to lose weight but to get stronger). But it's been the case for years!

Otherwise - no resolutions. I think the new year should make a resolution to not be shitty to ME anymore.

(Anti-jink footnote: Sorry, universe, I don't mean to be rude or draw attention to myself. I respectfully request that you please be nice to me)

christina(apronstrings) said...

last year i made so many.

read at least a book a month....check.

sew more....check

be a better listener. i used to be the worst listener on the planet. i got better in the last few years by repeating, to myself, what the speaker was saying. i also made sure that i was listening and not waiting to talk.

this year i was planning on continuing to not let IF define my entire existence, which i had gotten much better at...but now it looks like that *may* be a little easier to keep.

i also think i will make an effort to remember the names of the people that i meet.

Bon said...

i'm trying to be more patient, particularly with my mother. and, i'm trying to stop eating leftover boxes of Christmas chocolates.

niobe said...

Bon: Luckily, I think the eating leftover boxes of Christmas chocolates is a self-limiting behavior. Though, Valentine's Day is coming up soon.

Christine (Running on Empty): You are my role model when it comes to exercise.

Julia said...

I never smoked, but I do need exercise and I need to loose weight. I even signed up for the gym at work because it is subsidized, and is a great deal. But now I have no idea whether or when I might resume the exercise. Eh...

LawMommy said...

I don't smoke, and I work out almost daily. Despite my daily regimen of power walking on the treadmill whilst watching all the television I missed during the last 7 years, I am not losing weight. So, I have a resolution to lose weight, but, since I'm working out already...not sure how effective that resolution is going to be.

I do have a resolution to drink a lot more water and play more games with my kids. (Actual games, not, like, freakish head games or anything.)


Amelie said...

(1) is not applicable, but (2) would be good both for sanity and, well, (3). I'm okay with the weight I have now, but if it could be 5kg less, great. Especially for some event that we're planning for the summer...

Magpie said...

in the past, i have resolved numbers 2 & 3, along with "dress better". i fail every year, so i've given up. although, i always phrase it as "eat less" rather than "lose weight".

meg said...

Well, I'm going to go with #2, in the hopes that I can achieve #3.

Dr. Grumbles said...

Don't smoke.

Exercise plenty.

Just wonder if I should embrace "fit and fat" or push to whittle myself down to an attractive and fertile size. And endless battle for me.

My resolution always needs to be stress less. I'll get on that as soon as I figure out how to do it.

Megan said...

I AM a freak. I'm mortified to admit that I'm a smoker - who is trying really hard not to smoke right now. I've quit whenever trying to conceive or pregnant but immediately reach for a pack of Gauloises when bereaved. Luckily even walking by the smokers huddled against the winter wind makes me want to hurl right now thanks to pregnancy nausea.
So my resolution is that I won't smoke for as long as this baby lives. Let's hope it's 'til I'm old and gray.

Clementine said...

No resolutions for me! I don't smoke and I'm pretty happy with my patented exercise-free chocoholic self-care plan.

thrice said...

#1- BTDT
#2- I've been exercising, but more is usually always a good thing. Fights off depression, cancer and heart disease.
#3- Usually goes down with #2 is set into action. At least for me.

painted maypole said...

i'm working on 2 and three, but made the resolution muchmore easy to keep-a food journal!

M said...

Yes to 2 and 3, I flicked the 1's by the time I got back from my holiday...

Furrow said...

I'm always hesitant to make resolutions since one of the best things I ever did, emotionally, was to allow myself to quit things that hurt, that are boring, or that I'm no good at. And resolutions often fall into all of those categories. I do, however, get compulsion around this time of year. I always get the compulsion to purge unneeded junk from the house, and I've gotten a decent start on the fridge, pantry, and closets. The attic and garage always manage to grow more cluttered with each year, though.

Debbie said...

Exercise more and lose weight. My doctor told me I need to lose weight if I ever want to think about having another baby...

Nadine said...

My resolution is to get knocked up, i know it's unique it's different, and as i've already given up all the fun stuff just in case it may intefere!
Here's to January - and to quote you - may our dreams come true!