Wednesday, April 16, 2008

the future is now

Kyrie emailed me to say her lining is [some number I don't understand the significance of] and her progesterone is [some other number I don't understand the significance of]. Which are both, apparently, very good things, and, after all these delays and detours, this looks like it's actually going to happen. Soon. Like, very soon. Something twists in the pit of my stomach every time I think about it. Though I suppose that might be due to the six macarons I just polished off.

Tips for achieving and maintaining zen welcomed with open arms.


thirtysomething said...

YEA!!!!!!Oh, the joys..I am SO excited for you.

sweetsalty kate said...

ohmygoshohmygosh... achieving zen? You are TOTALLY asking the wrong person. If I were you I would be:

1. barely breathing

...I couldn't think of a '2'.

I hope so much this becomes the beginning of something incredible.

LawMommy said...

If you get any good tips for achieving zen...let me know!


Tash said...

Being in the moment always worked for me. As long as the moment included a bottle of wine and some quality chocolate. I'm off to sacrifice a goat because I don't like to limit myself to zen in these matters. (wildly clapping hands!)

Beruriah said...

Oh, I am ever so quietly hopeful over here.

MyThreeBlogs said...

Whooo Hooo! That's great!

cinnamon gurl said...

How about some advice Mad gave me the other day?

Don't think too far ahead. You'll be fine when the moment comes.

Except of course it's so exciting! Good luck!

the dragonfly said...


Sending positive, happy, hopeful thoughts your way...

m said...

More macarons, and maybe a good bordeaux - ok, definitely a bordeaux (or 8).


Anonymous said...

fanTAStic news! seriously wonderful.
fuck zen! This is cartwheel news.

woo hooo!

& good lawd do those macaroons look good.

Anonymous said...

Wow...that's very exciting. Have a couple more macarons for me.

Aunt Becky said...

Just breathe, Niobe.

Many congrats!

Anonymous said...

Valium. Or maybe Ativan. Those always help me maintain my zen.

Maggie said...

Eeek! I am the farthest thing from zen that I know, so I have no good tips...but I am VERY EXCITED! So I think that makes up for the lack of least a little...

My fingers are crossed!

S said...

ah, such wonderful news.

Amy said...

Yeah, it's been a long enough wait. Keeping all fingers and toes crossed for you!

Anonymous said...

yeah, I have no zen for your situation, just my very best wishes, as soon becomes now.

Anonymous said...

To achieve temporary but effective Zen, do the following:
1. Get hug from trusted friend/family member.
2. Rent stupid movie to watch with aforementioned hugger.
3. During movie eat chocolate (or other snack food of choice) and drink LOTS of wine.

So there you go, Zen.

I will be thinking of you and yours, and hoping there is lots of happiness for some and at least some peace for the rest/

The Nanny said...

Oh, I'm crossing fingers & toes for you. And the way I would achieve zen? Several thousand cartwheels and jumping jacks, followed by (several) glasses of wine and a nice, hot bath. Perhaps a good book, too?

beagle said...

I may be confusing zen with drunk, but a nice fruity umbrella drink does wonders for me.

But nevermind that . . . what great news!

DD said...

Ninja spitball at a distant coffee shop where no one will know you.

Will it give you zen? Who knows but I'm sure it'd make a great blog post.

Antropóloga said...

Best wishes! I recommend exercise and the theatre/movies and food.

Betty M said...

That sounds like super news. More macarons definitely I'd say.

Anonymous said...

A walk in the Jardin du Luxembourg to watch the children push the boats around in the pond.

LadyofAvalon56 said...

That's great news, and I understand your trepidation. I will continue to think wonderfully positive and be jealous of your ability to enjoy the macarons!

Lori said...

See, now you always appear completely Zen to me without even trying. Maybe not?

I am so hopeful for you. Completely, quietly hopeful.

Caro said...

More macarons and definitely some wine.

thailandchani said...

Stay in the moment...


Bon said...

cheap French wine?

yeh, that'd be my zen strategy. a warning - it can result in headaches.

but soon is good.

luna said...

sounds great, thanks for the update.
I agree with the above -- stay in the moment with some good wine, a walk in les jardins, the top floor of musee d'orsay, rodin's sculpture gardens, more macarons, chocolat, berthillon ice cream, and anything else you might enjoy... which macarons have you already had? ~luna

Magpie said...


I think there's something very zen about the fact that this is happening while you aren't even in the country.

Much luck, and the usual sticky vibes.

Clementine said...

Wow--that's big news! I'm thinking of you and staying hopeful. Best wishes!

Aurelia said...

One day at a time

For as long as a it takes.

Don't think about tomorrow. Just think about today. Tomorrow will take care of itself.

Today is all there is.

Ms. Planner said...

I always focus on what I am doing at that moment and then I move deliberately onto the next thing, focusing on it. Not sure of this method's zen-worthiness but it does help me focus during angst-ridden times. Wishing all involved only the best possible outcome. Fingers are crossed.

Awake said...

Enjoy where you are (which appears quite wonderful) and think postively of what could come. Oh, and the suggestions of wine - that's good too.

Anonymous said...

I don't know shit about zen. My friend Dina tells me that since hope is too hot, she will hold it for me. We all have our oven mitts on.

Summer said...

What Aurelia said. And if that's not possible, then try to take it one hour at a time.

This is great news!

Ruby said...

I'm so happy for you! I'm excited too! My very best wishes.

Christine said...

good, good, good!

my advice? eat more macarons.

Furrow said...

yippeeeee!! I like what magpie said. Geographic zen.

And red wine zen. And good cheese and pastry zen.


E. Phantzi said...

Achieving zen means cessation of desire. Hm. I'm with calliope on this one.

Distractions can make the time go quickly, though.

One View said...

Wow that's great news. I'm just so excited for you. I know that feeling because I got that same sick feeling in my stomache everytime I thought about another cycle. Thinking of you. GOOD LUCK!!!

Which Box said...

wow. Oh wow. It's actually going to happen.

More macarons. Lots of wine. Denial. And didn't you bring your roller blades?

Though maybe no rollerblading after wine.

susan said...

Just breathing, one day at a time (although I'm not the most zen reader you have by a long shot...)

Rachel said...

Zen. Yes. I've become much better about that lately. Basically, since there is nothing I can do about it, I just have to follow along the path carved for me. Maybe that's a little more Tao than Zen?

I know. It's not particularly helpful. Sending positive thoughts your way.

Amanda said...

Such good news! Congratulations. I have no advice for achieving zen. I suck at being zen like.

Angel Mom said...

Yay for good news! I'm excited for you!

CLC said...

Fine cheese and good wine never hurt (except the next day). What great news. Can't wait to hear more.

Julia said...

Oh, you know my tip-- fruity drinks. Although being actually in France, I am thinking fine red wine will do just fine. And probably more macarons. Those look like they are a good idea anytime.

Starting to hold my breath over here for you. But I am a swimmer, and used to be able to do a couple of lanes under water. So two weeks give or take won't be a problem at all. (Hopefully) then I will get to take another breath and hold it for (hopefully) another eight months, give or take.

JW Moxie said...

Thank goodness! Achieving and maintaining zen - no clue. I hope that Kyrie will be achieving the ultimate for you.

Lollipop Goldstein said...

I would admonish you for breaking into the macaroons early, but such good news gives you a bye :-)

Anonymous said...

A good bottle of plonk is the only thing I can think of, I hope you bought some back with you :(praying, praying, praying good things)...


AJW5403 said...

This is such good news. Wishing you nothing but the best.

KH99 said...

Yay! Such great news! I'm glad things are finally progressing. I second the bordeaux suggestion and how about a nice chateauneuf du pape as well?

Anonymous said...

I think macarons are a good start. I believe that true Zen only comes with holding your own child and/or eating oneself sick at the Maison du Chocolate. (There is a convenient one in the Marais neighborhood).

Anonymous said...

Oh Niobe, I'm so excited and hopeful for you!! SO HOPEFUL!!

Emily said...

Are you breathing?

It might be a good time to breathe. No more holding your breath.

Congratulations, dear Niobe.

wannabe mom said...

wow. this is very great news. i am so glad that it will happen soon.

Dr. Grumbles said...

wow - that news may possibly be even better than a macaron!

Anonymous said...

Very exciting news!! Thinking hopeful thoughts for you...

thrice said...

I was so afraid to excited for you that I forgot to post a "thinking of you" comment.

Anyway, I hope it all goes well.

Roxanne said...

That's awesome! Very excited for you. I hope it goes well!

Anonymous said...


I know you have been waiting a long time for this. I am so glad for you for this GREAT NEWS! I will be sending hopeful thoughts along the winds to you...

enjoy your accidental extended stay in europe! That sounds pretty fantastic to me! Oh and, you deserve this long vacation girl, you SO do.