Thursday, July 31, 2008


Occasionally, it can be almost as hard to hear good news as it is to hear bad news. Kyrie called to tell me she's been feeling the b*by* kick. And I felt a sudden rush of panic and wondered if I was going to cry.

*I just can't seem to make my fingers type out that word.


Aunt Becky said...

I'm crying for you.

Anonymous said...

well, crying is not an unreasonable response, really.
And yes, it is good news - I'm glad for it & hope it sinks way in deep.

Sara said...

Yeah. I'll do some of the smiling for you, 'kay?

Amelie said...

If there must be tears, I prefer good news to make you cry.

JW Moxie said...

The logic behind the panic and tears makes sense to me, so there's no need for me to explain it.

Just the same, this is good news and I will help hold the joy for you since you are too full of other emotions to have much room for it.

Sue said...

Makes perfect sense to me. It is a four letter word, after all.

Sometimes good news is scarier than bad, because it makes me want to let my guard down a little.

I, along with many others here, will hope for you. So hoping for you, Niobe.

Which Box said...

What ste said, exactly.

Really hoping for you. Really.

Lori Lavender Luz said...

My heart leapt.

c. said...

Very exciting news, Niobe. Very.

Maggie said...

I will celebrate in your honor, for it is a happy moment.

You don't have to get excited about things...that's what you have all of us for.

Aurelia said...

This is wonderful. I'm very very glad for you!

Antropóloga said...

Your baby! Moving around! Being busy! YAY!

Emily said...


Anonymous said...

Oh! For a moment, I thought the second asterisk was for an "s" as in babies and I thought this was an announcement of a different sorts.

But now, I realize that isn't how the plural form is spelled anyhow.

Anyway. Super news about her feeling the (singular) baby kick!! I don't blame you for not being able to type it out, but I can and I'm excited for you!

Tash said...


debbie said...

I was going to say just do it, just write it, but then i realized exactly how hard that would be.
in time, i'm sure it will start to spell itself much more easily.
for now, congratulations, that truly is such exciting news!

Also, it just occurred to me that you are in a position to be excited about a baby kicking and be able to have a glass of wine to celebrate (completely guilt free), now that's some pretty awesome shit.

thirtysomething said...

Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh....yay!!!!

LadyofAvalon56 said...

I think tears are perfectly acceptable and normal on about a dozen different levels.

I am happy for you and also holding my breath for you, too.

(And don't worry, you don't have to type the word. We know to whom you're referring)

Anonymous said...

My heart just jumped when I read that! (((hugs)))

painted maypole said...

it's exciting! it's ok to be excited. ;)

thordora said...

oh magic!

my own breath caught in my throat just now, imagining the look on your face.


Magpie said...

look - we can be happy.

continued good luck.

sweetsalty kate said...

oh, my stomach is turning.. in a good way... butterflies.

Lollipop Goldstein said...

That is incredible. Bittersweet and scary and wonderful and exciting all rolled into one.

Ruby said...

My heart leapt too.

Bon said...

terrifying and wonderful, Niobe.

laughing at "baby" as a four-letter word. wish i'd thought of that. :)

S said...

i'm happy about the news.

in the unalloyed sense.

k@lakly said...

Baby steps, kicks really, toward that happy ending. Terrifying and hopeful all mixed up and ready to wear.
Quiet congrats with everything crossed.

flutter said...

Oh babe.

beagle said...

Ditto all these great comments . . .

christina(apronstrings) said...


Nadine said...

wow. Kicking is good, I think , I have no idea how old babies are when they kick, but, it can't be an early thing (although I know for me it would be hard - am I happy am I sad - the baby is kicking - yet I can't feel it)....

DD said...

I'm sure I would have just sobbed and sobbed after I got off the phone.

Furrow said...

Oh, baby! I mean, hot damn! That's wonderful.

Clementine said...

"Quickening." I have chills and I'm so very glad for this good news.

Betty M said...

I'm really happy for you and glad that the news continues to be good.

Amy said...

It's hard to tell the happy from the sad sometimes, when what you feel inside is the same gut-wrenching feeling.

I'm sorry for the place that conversation put you. We're here.

(And I gave you a bloggy award that you can see here if you like).

docgrumbles said...

I hope in a few months you get to see "in person" the little feet that are doing the kicking.

Ms. Planner said...

Take it moment by moment. I am sure the mixture of emotions is a heady one indeed. I am happy for the three of you.

janis said...

makes it seem almost real, doesn't it?
That's wonderful news.

moplans said...

I am thrilled for you, in a terrified kind of way.

fingers crossed for you.

susan said...

Smiling here, with breath drawn in at reading the post. And now I"ll cross my fingers, too.

a- said...

How exciting! I felt a sudden rush as soon as I read this. I'll cry for you if you don't want to.

Hannah said...

I cried when I read this so I can only imagine how you felt.

Anonymous said...

that is awesome.

Dr. Joanne Cacciatore said...

This post really moved me in a bitter with sweet way...

Dr. Joanne Cacciatore said...

(Oops, hit enter too early)

I was especially moved by the note of your reluctance to type b*b*...and the rush of panic you experienced- well, somehow I could empathize...