Monday, October 20, 2008

more free stuff 4 u

Someone very generously gave me a gift certificate for stuff from Demeter. So I'll be sharing the bounty by giving away five tiny bottles of the best fragrances ever to five lucky commenters.

I know I've mentioned this before, but I love, love, love the little perfumes from Demeter because they've managed to replicate and bottle practically every enticing scent you've ever craved, from tropical ( suntan lotion, piña colada) to tasty ( apple pie, chocolate chip cookie) to nostalgic ( Play Doh, crayon) to naughty ( cannabis, riding crop), to sacriligious ( holy water) to not-exactly-hypoallegenic ( poison ivy). Plus many much more conventional scents.

If you'd like to get the chance to try one for yourself, just go to the Demeter home page, scroll through the extensive pull down menu of flavors and choose the one you'd most like. Then leave a comment including the name of the fragrance you want and, by around midnight tonight, I'll pick five lucky winners.

(And, no, despite appearances to contrary, I'm not getting remunerated, compensated or bribed in any way, shape or form by Demeter. I'm just, you know, shilling for free 'cause this is one of the very few products that I actually really, really like.)

edited to add: Just to clarify the rules: the five (or maybe a couple more, if I'm feeling in an especially giving mood) lucky recipients will be picked completely at random. One entry per person. Void where prohibited.


Rachel said...

Oh, oh! Beeswax! Pick me!

Lori Lavender Luz said...

Well, I'm going to forsake the mojito flavor and go for the Sandalwood.

Mmmmm. I love that scent.

Fascinating selection of flavors!

Aunt Becky said...

Rather than something with vodka, I'm going to opt for the Jasmine variety. Thanks for the link, Niobe. What a wild site.

Anonymous said...

Swimming pool. That site is awesome, thanks for showing it to us!

thordora said...

holy poo! Evil site.

I looked past my friend patchouli and thought Sweet Orange sounded nice...although Laundrymat sounds fun. :P

Anonymous said...


Tash said...

I was going to say Bourbon, but I fear I may have that aura anyway of late.

Who can resist wanting to try "funeral home"? I know I can't. Put me down.

Magpie said...


I wanted to say "Funeral Home" - just to be perverse - but Tash has already been there.

I love their stuff. I have "Gin & Tonic" and "Dulce de Leche" at home.

Megan said...

Mmmm....Earl Grey! I always liked him.

Anonymous said...

Mmmm....Wet Garden. Love it and love the description of it!

sarah said...

SunTan Lotion!!!!! I would love to smell like CopperTone all the time!! Cool Contest, but it won't be good for the wallet to have seen that site!

Hennifer said...

I tried, I can't even begin to know what I would like.

Thanks for sharing the site though! And sharing.

Anonymous said...

An everyday reader delurking for this fabulous contest - Kahala Hawaiian Surf because....well, just because...I'm a beach-lover and have always wanted to go to Hawaii. However, as others have said, I was sorely tempted to choose "Funeral Home"!

SusanS said...

Torn between Clean Windows (which I aspire to) and Rain.

A said...

I would love to smell like a sugar cookie. Doesn't that sound Yummy? Maybe I'm just too far into the Christmas spirit already!

Anonymous said...

I would love to smell sour apple lollipop! Even if I don't win I will have top try some of the fragrances... Thanks for sharing the site.

Madge said...

Wet Garden. How lovely of you to do this!

Molly said...

Green Tea sounds delightful! Your generosity is amazing, Niobe!

Anonymous said...

Apple Pie or Pumpkin pie...although I am curious about Thunder Storm. How fun! Thanks Niobe. :-)

Heather said...

Heather is one of those scents that is terribly underused in the perfume category. It would be fun to be a Heather who smells like heather.

sweetsalty kate said...

That was a near-impossible choice! I'd have to say Wet Garden, although I was intrigued by Scottish Shortbread and Pure Soap.

And of course I was also tempted by Salt Air, but I think I've got enough of that already.

Thanks niobe, what a lovely idea!

Clementine said...

I have to say Tangerine, but only because Petunia already gave me Play-Doh for Child Care Provider Appreciation Day! What a fun idea--thanks, Niobe!

Casey said...

Those are great. I will hope for Thunderstorm. Mmm.

Anonymous said...

What an awesome list! My pick, not shockingly, is Heather. What a fun giveaway, thanks!

Cara said...

Oh- that was easy! "Redhead In Bed" for sure!

(brief backstory - When I turned 30 I tried to dye my hair RED. I tried twice and a pro once. No Luck! It appears I will never be a red head so ...why not smell like one!

Smiling said...

There were so many contenders: Creme brulee (my go to dessert at nice restaruants), New Zealand (cuz I live here and think it would be nice to blend in somedays), and rain (I am an Oregonian, rain was my best friend in childhood), sequoia (another childhood friend)...

But I'd have to go with SNOW as there is nothing that bring a sense of promise and lighthearted fun like a hint of snow and better yet a snow day. I miss snow more than anything down here.

kateypie35 said...

Well, I will pick Martini, cause I could sure use one....

That was so hard to choose though!! Do I want to walk around smelling like lobster? No, but I sure want to know what that one smells like. Like drawn butter and summers in Maine? I dunno!
Pruning Shears? Dregs? I might have to just go ahead and buy some of my own.

Anonymous said...

I want to know what "New Zealand" smells like. I've never been to New Zealand.

Amelie said...

sounds fascinating! I wonder if you start craving something else when you've been around for a scent too long...

Molly said...

Hmmm, so hard to decide. I think "sweet orange" would be nice.

Anonymous said...

mmm, mine would have to be either Pink Lemonade because pink is my favourite favourite colour and lemonade is what goes best with my vodkas or Bonfire because it reminds me of a magical time by the fire with marshmallows and the crackling of the roaring fire. Sigh.

I love the site! Will have to investigate it and see if I can get items delivered to me in sunny scotland!!

LawMommy said...

I was going to ask what on earth Riding Crop smells like, but, I see that it smells like well worn leather, and...well, I'm tempted. But, the Hawaiian Vanilla scent actually sounds much more like me.

E. Phantzi said... me, it's nostalgic)

Christine said...

i so wish they had clove, but they don't so i'd go for earl grey tea.

Brooke said...

Oh, it's got to be grass. or wet garden. Love it!

christina(apronstrings) said...

fig leaf! fig leaf!

Anonymous said...

Grass....used to have a perfume by the Gap, and it smelled like fresh cut grass....


Anonymous said...

Oh, I saw these in Northampton once. Tough to choose, but I'm gonna go with Salt Air.

Yolanda said...

Wet garden

Anonymous said...

How in the world would you ever pick just one scent???

If I had to pick, without smelling anything, I would say 'cherry blossom.' Because one of my favourite perfumes has been discontinued at it had cherry blossom in it.

Anonymous said...

Right on the home page... Giant Sequoia. I'm trapped at my desk for too many hours and the thought of that woodsy scent is very enticing.


Aurelia said...

Can't pick but they all sound yummy...

Chris, Renae & Annie said...

Way back (can't even remember how long ago it was) you posted about Demeter's Condensed Milk scent. I had to try it - along with about 20 other scents! I love, love, love their stuff!

My two favorites are Cotton Candy and Between the Sheets - although the Angel Food Cake and Laundromat are pretty awesome too. And I really liked the Play-Doh too - takes me back to childhood!

If I had to pick one absolute favorite, I'd have to go with Between the Sheets. I love the grapefruit, citrusy scent!

I blame you for the gobs of money I've spent on Demeter fragrances! Thanks!

debbie said...

Oh, I hope I get picked. Now I have no idea if this could affect the randomness, but I did forego my free chocolate b/c I didn't want to burden you. Perfume on the other hand, now that's a different story.
And, of course, even if I don't get picked, thanks for letting me play!

debbie said...

Whoops. Forgot to add flavors. In keeping with the randomness of the game, I'll randomly pick grass, rain, or snow.

Anonymous said...

Wow -- that site is awesome. And dangerous.

I am really hungry so I would say Angel Food Cake, but after I eat I might change my mind to Sandalwood.

Or I could buy them myself and wear them together:
Angel Wood?
Sandal Food Cake?

Waiting Amy said...

How can I resist free!

Well, Magpie and I have something else in common -- Rain, please.

Amanda said...

What a cool site. There are so many that peaked my interest. At first I thought Lilac b/c its one of my favorite flowers and it reminds me of my Emma. But then I like the Wistera and that the one I would choose although picking one is really tough. Thanks for making me smile today.

Melissia said...

Who can resist Redhead in bed? Or perhaps Peony, either one for me. Thanks for intoducing me to such a great site.

RBandRC said...

Oohh...ALMOND. YUMMY!!! ;)

Rachel said...

Thanks for the link!

Bulgarian rose sounds interesting.

Anonymous said...

You rock!! Rain sounds lovely!!

Anonymous said...

Vanilla Cake Batter.

If they had Apricot, I'd pick that.

Topcat said...

Ooooooh, Hawaiian Surf. I would LOVE to be in Hawaii right now - but the smell will do instead!


Sarah said...

Snow. I am ready for winter. So many beautiful things in winter.

Ruby said...

Can't decide between ocean and rain. Getting wet either way.

Oh, not...

amazedlife said...


Sarah said...

I was going to say "Redhead In Bed" because I am a redhead, and I'm frequently in bed... but then I realized I probably know what that smells like, and so would my husband... he's a trucker though, so I'm always looking for ways to entice him home, so I'm going with the "Mulled Cider". He loves good cider, and who knows, maybe it'll get him to come home and slurp me all up! ;)

JW Moxie said...

Most definitely Laundry. I'll have to buy some, and if it really smells like a laundromat, I'll be in heaven.

Secondary choices would be Ocean or Rain.

Anonymous said...

Cool - thanks for the website. So I can be a rebel mommy: cannabis flower!

Antigone said...

OMG OMG OMG doh! plah doh!

Antigone said...

Ohhh Niobe, I love you! I'm ordering me some Play-doh perfume. I couldn't be happier right now.

Anonymous said...

Laundromat sounds awesome.

Monica H said...

I'm probably too late, it's been a very long stressful day...but if not, I'd love Condensed Milk. Sweet milk is one of my favorite smells- mmm.

Thank you- you're awesome!

flutter said...

seriously I hope it is not prohibited here, because I love Demeter!

kenandbelly said...

Ooh, pumpkin pie would be my lucky choice! I'm an American ex-pat in the UK and am seriously jonesing for Thanksgiving smells.

Anonymous said...

I'm too late to "win," but that's okay. I'm excited anyway because I've been looking for ages for a perfume that smelled like things I wanted to smell like - watermelon, creme brulee, chocolate chip cookies. I'm going to have to try a few! What do you recommend?

niobe said...

Dayna: Though I certainly haven't tried them all, I think my favorites are Condensed Milk, Suntan Lotion, Salt Air and Pure Soap.

Scents I'd like to try, but haven't yet, are Grass, Cotton Candy, Laundromat, Play-Doh and Between the Sheets (See Renae's comment above describing it as a kind of citrus-y grapefruit)

Michelle said...

Oh, so many that I would love...
Caramel, rain, wet garden, creme brulee, cranberry...but I am picking Thunderstorm.

Christine said...

ok--i had never heard of demeter (why yes i DO live under a rock) before this post. i was so intrigued i just ordered some. thanks for the tip, and i can't wait to try my perfume out. seriously they should pay you! LOL

Amber said...

Considering I'm still on the cursed PCOS diet and haven't had a decent sugary snack in weeks, I gotta go with Creme Brulee.

Although lazy as I've been feeling, Pure Soap might be a better option. You know, for those who have to live with me.

On My Mind 24/7 said...

Oh! Tiramisu sounds delic! I had never heard of this company before-thanks!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the winners! That site was so tempting that I just placed an order... Giant Sequoia, New Zealand and Earl Grey! Thank you for sharing :)
