Friday, November 28, 2008

friday chiuaua chichaua chihuahua blogging

And, really, it's just a coincidence that its tongue is the same photogenic shade of pink as its fetching sweater.


christina(apronstrings) said...

omg!omg! soooooooo cute. is s/he yours?? me likey.

niobe said...

No, it's my step-brother's. He has about six of them and carries them around in a bike messenger bag wherever her goes. But only two of the chihauhuas were able to come to visit for Thanksgiving. And not in a messenger bag.

Tash said...

Dogs are to be wrestled with. Purses are for cough drops.

There. I said it.

Wordgirl said...

While I tend to agree with Tash on this particular subject I can't help but smile when I look at this picture!

Monica H said...

Interesting..."smile" is not something I did when I saw this picture.

niobe said...

Monica H: Uh, you're not fond of pink, perhaps?

Julia said...

That dog looks like it had made the acquaintance of the farmer and the bishop...

So I take it it all went down better than last time then?

Also, I'm with Tash.

Magpie said...

Those dogs make me twitch. My in-laws had one, my SIL still does. They are always aquiver.

Give me a cat, any day.

Angela said...

Aw, I've got one. (Who also wears sweaters. Heh.) I had no desire for a tiny dog, but as the typical story goes, I just fell in love with him and couldn't resist...