Thursday, January 15, 2009

really, i can stop any time i want to

Why is it that, as soon as I write that I'll be taking a break, I have this irresistible urge to post something?

(and, just by the way, if you feel like it, you can always check out my photostream on flickr)

edited to add: The beautiful blue cardigan was a much-appreciated gift from Slouching Mom. Thanks, SM!


h2o girl said...

Good lord, just look at that child. The eyes! The lips! The sweater! I am overcome with the cuteness.

Would be very sad indeed if you stopped posting.

Sara said...

Eeeeee baby face!!!

Sara said...

My heart broke with your goodbye. Even if it's just temporarily I"m glad to see you. Cole, your son, is beautiful! Love to you sweetie.

S said...

Yay! It arrived! And it's just what I had in mind!

Tash said...

You see! Photos. Just post photos until you have something to say. And even if you never have anything else to say here, we'll be sustained. Really.

k@lakly said...

Gorgeous Niobe, but you know that already don't you.

And to the rude anon who dumped on you...piss off, she can do whatever she wants, if you don't like it, too bad. Keep your anon, cowardly comments to yourself where they belong.

Rock on Niobe. We'll be here either way:)

Cara said...

I couldn't resits sharing that image with the world either. He makes my heart smile!

BTW - I KNOW I'm addicted to this and I don't think I could stop whenver I wanted.

S said...

I meant the sweater, not the baby. FWIW.

moplans said...

what a gorgeous little man

Anonymous said...

Sure, just like I could stop reading whenever I want.

I don't want, though, so do hope you'll keep posting, though of course I understand and respect that you may not!

Magpie said...

When you think you have to post, you have nothing. When you don't want to post, you must.

He's lovely. Thanks for sharing the flickr link.

c. said...

He's goooorgeous, Niobe. Totally beautiful.

Welcome back ;o)

The Nanny said...


Aurelia said...

He's lovely, truly awesome. So glad you are back for a leetle bit!

Aurelia said...

Uhh, I missed all the drama btw, so sorry or I would have leapt to your defense as well.

I mean, I know I have missed some people on the net quite a lot after they disappeared, but I think that's a little over the top.

Anyway, I am feeling the need to snuzzle that baby now. Really, truly...I don't know how we resist just eating them up!

Lori said...

You're so funny. And he's so beautiful.

Come and go as you please. I'll never forget you and your amazing way with words. I feel myself heading toward a hiatus myself. Sometimes, that's just the way with things.

Be well, my friend. I'll keep checking in on you, just in case you can't stay away again. :)

Anonymous said...

Squeeee...I'm so glad I decided to click on and see if anything had changed. He is positively squishable (in our family that's a good thing, lol).
I'll say it again, I have cherished your blog,and will miss you, but you have to do what you need for you and the family. Whether that ends up being the end (nononononono) or just fewer posts(hopehopehopehope)should be up to you. But, so should the content. The fact of the matter is that you do have the ending you dreamed of, but really it's a beginning, isn't it?
You shouldn't feel guilty for that or for this being a "happy place". It is the next step in your journey, and your life. If you choose to share it with us, we choose to read it, that's that. You don't have to adopt some sort of maudlin demeanor to pacify any of us, because in that weird bloggy way, we care so much for you, and are so happy for you(well, maybe not Miss Anonymous)that none of us would have it any other way.

diana said...

He, he, he, ha, ha, ha, hi, hi, hi...
Love you! And he's gourgeous! Hi, hi, hi...

painted maypole said...

just gorgeous. i know having an infant is never easy, but i'm sure through the tired haze you are just all aglow.

painted maypole said...

(btw, we'll still love you if you share the happy stuff. it's not JUST your black little heart we adore)

Anonymous said...

He is just so beautiful, Niobe. I hope that someday he has an inkling of how much he was wanted and how much he is loved.

Betty M said...

He is a really lovely little boy,Niobe. I am so happy for you that it all turned out this way. I hope you do blog a little from here on in but if not I wish you and all of yours the very best.

Anonymous said...

yeah! I'm glad you're back. Il est adorable!

Anonymous said...

I am happy to see you couldn't stay away! :-)

RP said...

Scrumptious little boy you have there. :-)

Anonymous said...

Delurking once again to say I'm glad you haven't stopped (although I respect your right to do so) - I read you every day and enjoy your beautiful writing and your equally beautiful photography - and I adore your beautiful little boy!

LadyofAvalon56 said...

Mazel tov! He's gorgeous! :)

Lara said...

I had found glow a few months ago and have so enjoyed and cherished all you wordy women and your wonderful writing. Our baby boy was born two years ago september and died two days later and owey it still hurts. Our little Lucia was born this June all smiles with her lovely red hair. I love to hold her fat little thighs and watch her big sister make her giggle. As steinbeck says "teaming boisterous life" Love love love it! What a wonder to have your little boy in your arms and smell that baby baby smell snuggling his sweet head and soft hair. Thanks for your great blog, sharing your life, and wonderful quotes from magic minds.I hope you share your adventures with your newest child I am sure it will be as rich and wonderful as all your previous posts. Thanks for sharing!


Anonymous said...

Niobe, the trick to taking a break, I think, is to simply do it, not announce it. It's this weird, blog-world, gremlin thing.

Sweet, sweet baby. So happy for you.

~ El

Which Box said...

haha, I knew you couldn't quit us. Though I do like the plan of you spreading yourself out more. It really is ok if you just post pics or tidbits. It doesn't have to hit some imaginary Niobe-bar of blogging excellence (though somehow it probably still would!).

Bea said...

This is why I've never announced a blogging break (though I've taken a few unannounced ones).

niobe said...

Bea: You are so wise. (and now that I know you helped pick the colors, I'm looking forward to seeing Mad's kitchen reno even more than I would otherwise. Which is saying something.)

Which Box said...

I had to click over to flickr to see the pic, btw - I get a phto currently unavailable on the blog itself.

What a wise little man he is! love that pic.

areyoukiddingme said...

What a beautiful, sweet baby. Congratulations!

Melissia said...

You made my heart sing, and that is not easy to do. I am so glad to see another post and another picture! And your title makes me laugh out loud.

Artblog said...

You bet I'm checking it out!!!

Anonymous said...

You know, it is nice to see a happy ending after bad things happen. I am glad to see it.

He is precious!

Caro said...

Like I could resist a flickr link, and adding you as a contact over there.

excavator said...

He's perfect.

eden said...

Oh my God Niobe. He looks exactly as I had imagined. He looks beautiful, thoughtful, serene.

But most of all, he looks like the Future.


Anna said...

He's so, so gorgeous. Wonderful, beautiful.

If you do decide to keep posting, I'll be very grateful to hear your insights on parenting. And to see more photos!

Cheek said...

Oh, he is just delicious - what a wonderful shot.