Tuesday, January 6, 2009

what's happening

As my anxiety levels go through the roof, my ability to think coherently is evaporating. I lay in bed last night, telling myself over and over again that, most likely, in a few days, there'd be a baby in the house. But it seemed impossible to believe that I hadn't just made the whole thing up.

So, here's the plan. Induction first thing Thursday morning.


Yo-yo Mama said...

I've been quietly but anxiously watching for updates. I have to only imagine how frayed, yet excited, you must feel right now as I'm feeling a little light-headed myself!

Sara said...

Sweet girl. I've been in some state of anguish for you for weeks. My prayers are with you, this has to end beautifully, it just does. Waiting with baited breath.

Wordgirl said...

Oh Niobe,

I will be thinking of all of you.



Grad3 said...

Big smiles for the start of a wonderful end!

Thinking of you!!!

Sanda said...

Sending good thoughts your way!

Anonymous said...

Keep breathing!!!

Thinking of you...

thordora said...

I better start knitting then!

thordora said...

I better start knitting then!

m said...

my gosh! breathe deep. It's only a few days away...

Anonymous said...

You just delurked me! That news is certainly exciting. Sending all kinds of positive thoughts your way!


Tash said...

Sounds like a good plan. Hyperventilating with you, m'dear.

Lori Lavender Luz said...

This truly is the moment we've all been waiting for.

Good thoughts to you and K and the new one.

Bon said...

i still find it impossible to believe there IS a baby in the house, sometimes. and a two year old.

if the plan helps your anxiety, then it is a good plan. we await, to welcome.

...and just cause i'm curious about surrogacy and all sorts of negotiated boundaries, not b/c it's my business...did you and Kyrie (and partners) make the when to induce decision together?

Aurelia said...

I'm so excited for you!!!

And yes, it is hard to believe even though I have a seven month old in the house.

So have you told work anything yet? I mean at this point, they might need to know!

niobe said...

Bon: This is entirely Kyrie's decision.

If I were the one who was pregnant, I would have induced at the earliest possible date the doctors would agree to, say 37 or 38 weeks. But I didn't even mention that to Kyrie. My stance is: this is my baby, but it's Kyrie's pregnancy.

c. said...

That's wonderful news, Niobe. Thursday can't come soon enough!

thirtysomething said...

TWO DAYS. Oh. My. Gosh.
By Satuday, or before even, you will be sitting in your favorite chair cuddling your perfect little boy.
Thoughts are with you.

Which Box said...

I clicked over yesterday,thinking, hmm, isn't the due date soon? Wow, yeah it is.

I can only imagine your level of anxiety. Hang in there. Soon enough. Soon enough. Denial can only take you so far, right? I think I can see the veneer cracking. Hold it together just two more days. TWO MORE DAYS! (if not sooner).

Which Box said...

And! Learn how to live blog. Will you give us tidbits throughout the day, or is that too much?

k@lakly said...

Only a few hours to go. I'll be thinking of you and your son and anxiously awaiting your long due first snuggle with each other.
What a fantastic day it will be.
Hang in there, friend.

Julia said...

I just smiled at the "my baby" thing. And I am so relieved to see an actual induction date. Can't even imagine what you feel. Must seem unreachably far to you...

Maggie said...

Hooray!! I can't WAIT until Thursday...I know that you're too nervous to be excited, so we will all be excited for you!

debbie said...

if i knew how to use strikeout, I'd write, "Cautiously optimistic," and then strikeout the cautiously. Since I'm not that savvy, I'll just say: Optimistically waiting!

Aunt Becky said...

Oh Niobe, I'm so excited and nervous and everything.

Anonymous said...

*smiles at Debbie's comment* Sadly, blogger comment forms won't support the html tags for strike-outs! I've wanted to use them many times, myself.

Ah, Niobe, keep breathing, keep breathing. The moments and hours will pass. I'll be keeping you all in my prayers.

Soon, soon there will be a baby.

Anonymous said...

ça va aller, t'sais. I will be thinking of you and Kyrie and Gray and L and all the others involved in changing your life.

Ashleigh said...

thursday- what a lovely day for a birthday

Anonymous said...

Oh my god! thursday morning! How exciting.

I'll be thinking of you and I can't wait to see the updates and 'meet' your new little person.

Anonymous said...

For the last few months, I have said a little prayer to the universe every night for three little baby boys - my sister-in-law's, Antigone's, and yours. My nephew was born Nov. 29. Perseus of course a few days ago, and you're next. So excited for you.

The Nanny said...

Oh, girl. We're all here, waiting with you.

Ashleigh is right--Thursday *is* a lovely day for a birthday.

Magpie said...

Shivers up my spine!

Have you stopped working?

Clementine said...

Oh my goodness! Thursday will be an amazing day, then. I have happy chills just thinking about it.

Thinking of you and sending you lots of peaceful wishes!

Anonymous said...

Less than two days!!! Ack! I am bursting with excitement for you, Niobe. Best wishes to you, Kyrie and everyone else involved.

janis said...

fingers crossed for you.
The day will come sooner than you think.

niobe said...

Magpie: Yup, still at work. I figure I can keep working until (fingers crossed) the day the baby actually comes home, right?

Which Box: I'll see what I can do re the live-blogging. But don't, you know, count on it.

Aurelia: Um, I guess I do need to write that memo to HR at some point, don't I...? (but my boss knows, so I should be fine)

Furrow said...

Woot! I'd bite my nails with you, but they're already pretty short.

Remember, Thursday's child has far to go. Z and I are both Thursday's children, and we're still going.

Motel Manager said...

Is it okay to curse on your blog? Because HOLY SH*T! And I mean that in a good, excited way. I'm really excited for you all and for Thursday. Keeping all fingers and toes crossed.....

painted maypole said...

two days. that's pretty real!

sweetsalty kate said...


Anonymous said...

Thinking of you all!!!

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you all!!!

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you & Kyrie and sending easy labor love.
WOO HOOO!!!!!!

Bon said...

by the way, Thursday is David Bowie's birthday. thus, in my personal opinion, is one of the most auspicious dates on the calendar. :)

it's also Elvis' birthday.

perhaps Ziggy Elvis if you haven't already settled on a name? i know, i'm helpful.

charmedgirl said...

surrogacy's gotta be some trippy experience...especially for a denial princess like you...it's got to be so surreal. well, only two more wake ups...i can't believe it's almost here!!

Furrow said...

And to follow up on what Bon said, David Bowie wrote a song called Thursday's Child, so there is some crazy magical stuff going on here.

Hennifer said...

keeping you all in my thoughts daily. soon you will have that little one with you! try to keep breathing (even a few good deep ones can help)

Hennifer said...

Bon, you are genius!

Shinny said...

Can't wait for Thursday. Hope you get some sleep in before that day. Wondering if I would be safe to mail a package tomorrow. I should take a couple days to arrive so that would meet with my instructions. ;)

Amanda said...

Thursday morning, as in two days from now Thursday morning? SQUEAL!! I'm just so excited for you, I can hardly believe it. Now I'll be unable to sleep for the next few days.

Antropóloga said...


Of course I'm not the one having to stress about it and having to take care of a newborn. But yay!

Anonymous said...

How exciting!
Sending lots of positive energy to you.

Heather said...

Very cool. Lots of folks are going to be refreshing your blog on Thursday, you know? Can't wait to hear that he's arrived!

CLC said...

Oh, wow. I can't wait to hear some more good news. Anxiously awaiting with you!

Cara said...

Holy Crap! Thursday Morning!! You are nearly there..parenthood!!!!

So excited for you.

Anonymous said...

It sounds too militaristic to call it "D-Day," "I-Day" makes no sense, and "B-Day," well, is just sounds too much like a Discovery Channel show.

Whatever you call Thursday, I am greatly anticipating this new chapter in your life.

And, for the love of G-d, take Thursday and Friday off!

Anonymous said...

I am wishing you all the best on Thursday.

Hannah said...

"Thursday's child has far to go..."

And I've always thought this was such a hopeful and beautiful thought, because this wee boy has so many days and adventures and friends ahead of him...

Thinking of you, Kyrie, and bebe.

moplans said...

wow. wow. wow.

Unknown said...

My thoughts have been all about you and this little miracle. I hope to someday soon to clink tea cups with you in congratulations!!!

xo- Erin

Anonymous said...

Taking short shallow breaths here, must slow down and breathe deeper! Warmest wishes for an easy labour and safe delivery of this much longed for,already loved baby xxxx

delphi said...

Welcome news. Thinking the best of thoughts until then.

Angela said...

Oh my god. I'm so nervous. Waiting with you, with bated breath.

Monica H said...

Only a day and a half to go! This is so amazing and REAL!

Thinking of you and your wee one and wishing Kyrie a sppedy deliver. I can't wait to "meet" him.

Carly Marie said...

I never imagined another baby possible until she was laid on my chest, warm and cranky.... and breathing.

It will be very real to you soon enough sweet Niobe.

Just breathe x

Rosepetal said...

Oh my gosh, I'm thinking of you and Kyrie and Baby. I keep checking here for updates and am on tenterhooks. Good luck Niobe.

Amy said...

Soon, soon, there will be a babe in your arms.

Don't forget to breathe.

Anonymous said...

breathe in, breathe out...
Thinking of you, Kyrie, and the baby.

wannabe mom said...

Thinking of you, Niobe, and Kyrie, and your soon to be coming home baby boy. Wow. Is everything "ready" at home?

Anonymous said...

De-lurking to wish you, Kyrie, your partners and all of your sons well. The feeling of hope that I get from reading your blog and waiting with you for your child is a gift to me every day. Thank you for sharing your experiences. I know you are so anxious. I wish I could help!

niobe said...

wannabe mom: Ready? Um, not exactly.

But I can buy a car seat and a bassinet after the baby's born, but before it comes home from the hospital, right?

Mad said...

I think some of those Lamaze breathing tricks might work for you right about now.

Brandy said...

I can't wait to hear all about it and to see your beautiful little one!

wannabe mom said...

yup, you could drop by and pick up a car seat anywhere. no biggie. and a bassinet? i can't imagine he'll ever leave your arms to need it.

big big hugs!!

Anonymous said...

My wish...that you'll be taking in those deep breaths as you hold your wiggly baby boy.


S said...

WOW. That's tomorrow morning! I'm so thrilled. xoxo

RBandRC said...

Thinking of you and praying for a beautiful Thursday for you. ((HUGS))

luna said...

wishing you and kyrie well. thinking nothing but the best for all of you. wow, niobe, just hours to go! just remember to breathe.

Aurelia said...

Ok, update or something. C'mon, just let us know you are still breathing.

FattyPants said...

Holy crap thats tomorrow. Try to get some sleep niobe for tomorrow you will be having a baby. Prayers for a safe delivery for kyrie and your baby.

FattyPants said...

Holy crap thats tomorrow. Try to get some sleep niobe for tomorrow you will be having a baby. Prayers for a safe delivery for kyrie and your baby.

Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

Good luck with everything! Not long now...

Anonymous said...

De-lurking to say you have been in my thoughts daily for the last couple of weeks and will be even moreso tomorrow. Wishing you all the best!


ewe are here said...

So exciting! I hope you manage to get a little sleep tonight.

Looking forward to hearing about your wee one's safe arrival.

Clementine said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you tonight.

Grad3 said...

Had to say that I will be thinking of you tonight and tomorrow. Many prayers of comfort and calm headed your way ~~Hugs~~

Which Box said...

Thinking of you. Are you in a frenzy of anxiety, or still safely cloaked in denial? I may have ot figure out twitter to see if you post there. I have hope. Can't wait to see the first pic of your newest family member.

Anonymous said...

Oh, this is so exciting!!! I'll be thinking of you all day tomorrow.

missing_one said...

I'm excited for you tomorrow morning! Wishing you guys the best of luck!
fx you get a real live baby in your arms tomorrow!

Aurelia said...

Hey can you unlock your twitter feed at least so some of us non-twitter peeps can keep updated!


Meg said...

You'll be in my thoughts tomorrow! I hope all goes well and your dreams can come true!

Pamela T. said...

what a way to start the new year! cheers...