Friday, June 26, 2009

something new

And -- if, like me, you tend to thoughtlessly succumb to the patriarchal gender role stereotyping that permeates, pervades and perfuses our society -- something blue. M has had her long awaited baby boy and both M and her little one are doing very, very well.

I won't tell her story, because it's, well, her story, but it's been a long and painful road and M has experienced just about every imaginable obstacle and more sorrow than anyone should ever have to endure. Honestly, I can't begin to tell you how happy I am for M and her new son.

M's blog is password protected, so no link, but if anyone who doesn't have access wants to leave their congratulations or good wishes here, I promise I'll collect them and pass them along.


Betty M said...

Congratulations to M and her boy!

Amanda said...

Many, many congratulations to M and her little one. What a blessing!

Mommy (You can call me OM) said...

Niobe, thank you for your kind comments on my blog.

And, congratulations to M!


JW Moxie said...

I'm immensely overjoyed for M, too. If only the parallel (you know the one I speak of) had continued....

But at least there is M, and she gives me hope and reinforces the idea that long, hard roads don't always have to end in defeat. She makes me happy.

andrea said...

Is this M of the now-defunct blog that had the word "graph" in it?
I hope so. I really hope so. And all sorts of congratulations and good wishes to them.

Monica H said...

I'm with Andrea. I SO REALLY hope it's her. I followed for a long time and she quit writing on all her blogs- or so I thought.

I sent you an email.

Smiling said...

I don't know you M.. but news like this makes me so very happy to be alive to hear such joyous news. Best wishes from down under!

niobe said...

Andrea and Monica H: I should have thought of that. But, no, this is a totally different M, though one who's also suffered a staggering, incomprehensible amount of heartbreak.

Artblog said...

You can congratulate M and her boy from me too :)

Furrow said...

I send M my most heartfelt congratulations and hope for nothing but happiness for her in the future.