Tuesday, September 15, 2009

fingers crossed

As you probably know, I'm a firm believer in jinxes and magical thinking and, basically, they'll be throwing ice skating parties in hell before I do or say anything that would even suggest that there's a chance that we'll be bringing home a real live baby at the end of all of this.

But I'll admit that I was looking at Trish's blog and saw that she'd posted one of those tickers with days and weeks and a picture of a baby and, whaddya know, looking at it actually makes me feel all happy-ish and almost hopeful.


areyoukiddingme said...

No jinxes, but I'm hopeful for you...

GeekByMarriage said...

I'll coat myself in glue and roll around in chicken feathers if that's what it will take. Bwak Bwak.

Magpie said...

This makes me happy.

still life angie said...

Happy and almost hopeful is magical. Sending you some of my own good magic.

Amelie said...

Hopeful sounds wonderful.

jill said...

Hoping for you!

jill said...

I saw the same thing and wondered what you would think if you had noticed it too. Glad it was pushing the positive envelope.

Kristin said...

Thinking all kinds of positive thoughts for you.

Anonymous said...

Hey, the fact that you typed the word "baby" this early is HUGE! I don't think you did that last time until right before Cole was born. :)

Reese said...

Almost is close enough. :)

niobe said...

Kathy McC: So true. You have no idea how many times I typed and erased and retyped that particular word.

Bon said...


i've been outta touch and missed a lot. you have a lotta love coming your way from my neck of the woods.

thordora said...


Caro said...

Hopeful is good

Anonymous said...

Well there may not be an ice skating party, but at least the devil's being fitted for skates... (sorry, so lame!)

Hoping, hoping, hoping.

thirtysomething said...

Very, very happy for you:) And the picture in previous post - great! Boy has he grown!

Sarah said...

no way, that's great! i consider those little steps big time victories over all the torture that's been wrought.

Furrow said...

:-) Trish sounds like just the right person for this.

Trish said...

I'm so glad that it made you feel good. I was worried that you would think of it as a jinx.

A simple being said...

niobe, stop! enjoy the moments, the peace, the quite, the fun the planning...this baby has already proven to be a fighter...more than likely this one will be a lil' girl, you know were tough and hard headed...and well really so are you so there you go, just go there, the plan has been set the plot made, your not going to jinx this.

Betty M said...

pleased to see good things are happening

moplans said...

I'm glad you're feeling happy-ish.

moplans said...

I'm glad you're feeling happy-ish.

RP said...

Full of hope for all of you.

Sue said...

That damned hope. F*cking scary. Magical thinking often feels much safer. But I'm so glad you have the courage. Gives me hope, too.
And I'm hoping for you, very much for a happy ending for you.

ME! said...

I am a firm believer in jinx and magical thinking. I have seen our ER go from being quiet and boring to hell breaking loose less than 5 minutes after someone said "It sure is quiet tonight" "Glad it is Quiet" or someother variation of the "Quiet/Boring/ or worse..SLOW"

I am glad you are feeling happy-ish!!

ME! said...

I am a firm believer in jinx and magical thinking. I have seen our ER go from being quiet and boring to hell breaking loose less than 5 minutes after someone said "It sure is quiet tonight" "Glad it is Quiet" or someother variation of the "Quiet/Boring/ or worse..SLOW"

I am glad you are feeling happy-ish!!