Saturday, January 30, 2010

free stuff 4 u!

smells like teen spirit
Recently discovered photographic evidence (see above) conclusively demonstrates that, way back in the 1980s, L played high school hockey. Which inspired me to do a contest slash giveaway.

Here's how to play:

1. Stare at the photo.

2. Figure out which one is L

3. Leave a comment by midnight-ish Tuesday, February 2 with your guess. (see how I've numbered the jerseys for your convenience)

4. If you get it right, you'll be in the running for one of two(!) GRAND PRIZES , namely, a $25 gift certificate to

One entry per day per person.

Note that since these are online gift certificates, the contest is open to everyone, everywhere and that if you win, all you'll need to supply me with is an email address.

And if you need a hint to which of these hockey gods is L: He's the one that's so hot that you wonder if they really needed a zamboni® to melt the ice.

eta: Just to make it a little easier. So far (that is, as of comment #5) no one has guessed correctly. If you've already guessed and gotten it wrong, feel free to try again.

edited even more to add: And, in case it wasn't clear (which it obviously wasn't), when I said hot what I actually meant was "hot." As in the guy you'd most like to have sitting next to you in AP Chemistry. So you could copy off his paper during tests.

Another hint: As of right this very minute -- 6:10 am on February 1 or febrúar 2010 06:10, if the Icelandic thing is still up -- only one person has guessed correctly. Remember, you get one guess per day. So, even if you've already guessed once, keep trying!


Ines said...


thordora said...

4! :D

Man those haircuts!!!

Jayme said...


areyoukiddingme said...

I gotta go with 10...

Lindsay said...

17? This is a VERY uneducated guess..

Anonymous said...

I'll go with 11.

The Nanny said...

Gah. Trying to match up the guy I met for 5 seconds at your house last year with one of those boys. Number 1?

Unknown said...


Jus and Kat said...


Emily said...

I'm going to say the surley #1.

Sunny said...


diana said...

One, just because!
And if I win, I'll buy the "square foot garden"!

Katie said...

Number 7?

Anonymous said...



Peachy said...

I'm going with 6.

still life angie said...

I have to go with 16.

martona said...


martona said...


Monica H said...

He's the red head!

I'm going with #2

Clare said...

numero uno (that's italian or spanish for #1. Thanks for the icelandic touch)

Carla said...


Anonymous said...

#2 ?

Life in Eden said...

I'll agree with #9. Just cause. :-)

Elizabeth said...

Icelandic, eh? :-)
You are so funny.

I have to go with #6. Although I feel a little icky trying to determine which high school boy is the "hottest"...!

Anonymous said...

14 because no one has mentioned him yet


calliope said...

totally dreamy.

calliope said...

doh! I swear the comment from Nafnlaus wasn't there while I was searching!!!

E said...

11. For absolutely no reason.


Melissa said...

16 :)

Eden Riley said...

Number 12?

niobe said...

@Elizabeth: Think of it this way: When they were actually in high school, you were probably in kindergarten. And now, they're all middle aged men, who would be thrilled to know that there's a picture of them out there showing what they looked like before they got old and fat and bald.

Betty M said...

I'm for no 6 too.

Carla said...

Hmmm, logic puzzle. I'm going to change my guess to #3.

Clare said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Clare said...

Ok, I've taken note of your hint (re: 6:10) and realising I was wrong with #1...

My 2nd guess is L is #8.

(It was a stab in the dark. I was narrowed it down to between picking either #4, #8, #12 or #16).

Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

I love #8's hair, but I'll go with 7.

Anonymous said...

#8 He looks confident.


Quadelle said...

I'll choose #7. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm going with #1!!
(aka SouthernGal)
(the Icelandic language doesn't like me)

leanne said...


MFA Mama said... row, fifth from the left?

MFA Mama said...

So that would be #3. Duh.

missMaegan said...

my guess is numero 12!

SWH said...

I guess 3! :)

Magpie said...

What's with the icelandic?
Actually, I like that your post time is "on or about".

Kimberly said...

I'm in for #5!

Furrow said...

#7, sjo

Good hints.

Tigger said...


rebecca said...

I'm going to go with 6.

Lindsay said...


Girl in the Glen said...

My guess is 3.

Jules said...


Two Hands said...

I'll go with 3!

Jodi said...


Anonymous said...

Number 12, because that's what the Gods are telling me to type

Amelie said...

so I did my homework and counted who had how many votes -- and there's lots with exactly one! So... I'll say 4.

Clare said...

and now it is feb 2nd (your time & mine ~ but it's 11 pm here)

and I'm back for my 3rd guess

(just in case my 2nd guess of #8 placed on feb 1st was wrong)


is that L is #4.

and as I was splitting hairs this time between either #4 or #16 and this is my last guess, it will crack me up if I still am no cigar with this. I must admit, I find it a confusing element to have to consider which kid looks hot!

oh well, how's the weather? and how's the baby naming consensus with L and Grey coming along? You could post a list of 24 names and see if we could correctly pick it out of the line up... just asking nicely...

RP said...


E said...

I'm going to add 4 to my other guess.


Carrie27 said...

Fun - going with #9

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I'm voting today for #6 (although I stand by my vote of yesterday!)

Southern Gal

Jus and Kat said...

It's a toss-up either way, but I'm feelin' #8 today! :)

Magpie said...

Today I'm voting for six.

Magpie said...

The Nanny met him? That should be a disqualifier.

The Nanny said...

Magpie - only for about 5 seconds and none of those guys look ANYTHING like him :)

Today I'm guessing 3.

Trish said...

I'm guessing # 8 and the baby is guessing #3. If wrong, we will have our next two guesses tomorrow :)

Melissa said...


Peachy said...


Kristen said...

16 - he's confident in that "I just aced my AP calc test" sort of way.

Anonymous said...

No idea but number 9 looks a little like Leif Garrett. I'm thinking 3 though.

ally pally