Tuesday, May 8, 2007

meme i am

I've been memed by Furrow at Seed Dispersal Mechanism. The rules, as I understand them, are to write a list of statements beginning with "I am." Here's mine:

I am thinking of a number between one and ten.

I am a rock. I am an island.

I am easily distracted.

I am rubber; you're glue

I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.

I am going to Carolina in my mind.

I am waiting
to get some intimations
of immortality
by recollecting my early childhood
and I am waiting
for the green mornings to come again
for some strains of unpremeditated art
to shake my typewriter
and I am waiting to write
the great indelible poem
and I am waiting
for the last long rapture
and I am perpetually waiting
for the fleeting lovers on the Grecian Urn
to catch each other at last
and embrace
and I am awaiting
perpetually and forever
a renaissance of wonder

I am taking my ball and going home.

Julia at I Won't Fear Love
Sara at Year of Consolation
Lee/Leroy at Lee's Blog
S. at Rhymes with Javelin.

As always, if you don't feel like playing, that's okay. I'm fine with that. No, really I am.


Sara said...

Oh jeez, how on earth can I follow that? I'm teasing, I'll do it tomorrow. Yikes.

Oh wow, in unrelated wonders, my word verification below is fukof. Nice.

Magpie said...

I am waiting for you to just declare yourself a poet and be done with it.

niobe said...

Magpie: That is so not my poem. I totally stole it from Ferlinghetti. Unfortunately, proper attribution would have disrupted the smooth flow of my sentences (I know, that's what all the plagiarists say).

Thanks, Sara. I'm never sure if these meme-things are a blessing or a curse for the recipient.

S said...

I like the flow of your mind. It speaks to me.

Julia said...

Following that will be a challenge. Unfortunately, the very first one that comes to mind is in the language of the Old Country and will have no meaning to anyone here at all. Drats.

S. said...

Well, this is the first time I've been tagged, so thank you, and I will need a little time to do it justice!

Phantom Scribbler said...

I am laughing.