Wednesday, July 11, 2007

i'd like to give the world a hug

That is, if only I weren't so, y'know, utterly jaded and cynical.

However, the purpose of this post is not to express an uncharacteristic love for humanity, but to point out that Patience at The Impatient Patient is sponsporing a Virtual World Tour. The rules are here, but essentially all it involves is taking (or stealing) some pictures of your part of the world, posting them, and putting up a link at Patience's place.

I know that some of you (for example, Amelie, Slouching Mom, Katie W., Lori and, of course, Cinnamon Gurl and Jo(e)*) have posted gorgeous pictures in the past. Why not share some with Patience? She's been feeling a little battered by fate lately and I know she's really looking forward to seeing everyone's photos.

*If I've left you and your gorgeous photos off this list, I promise that it's due strictly to inadvertence. Honestly.


Furrow said...

This sounds fun. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

Anonymous said...

thanks -- also for giving me a trigger to post something. That was overdue for a while already.

painted maypole said...

Love this picture!

Doughnut said...

Those that give hugs usually like to receive them as well. (Hugs) niobe to you!

cinnamon gurl said...

way late to the party but I will check it out when I get a spare mo...