Tuesday, July 10, 2007

please don't try this at home

Follow lawmommy's link to learn what not to say when you're trying to avoid jury duty.

The best excuse that I ever heard for getting out of jury service was given by a woman who informed the judge that she couldn't sit on the jury because she had psychic powers and already knew what the verdict would be.


thirtysomething said...

Hehe. I wish I had thought of that last month when I was summoned.

S. said...

A. was called for jury duty once right before we had a long trip planned. She went wearing her "abolish the death penalty" t-shirt, but since she *does* want to abolish the death penalty and she believes in jury nullification, she had a button-down shirt on over it.

Sara said...

I was last called for jury duty 10 years ago. I got as far as answering that I was a student at [blank] college and was immediately dismissed.

Best story I ever heard was about friend who got called for jury duty and when asked if she knew the defendant responded, "Yeah he beat up my brother in high school." Whoops. Dismissed.

ms. G said...

That's funny. I also like the story of Sara's friend.

My dad was a police officer almost all of my childhood, so they never want me when I get called. I think the assumption is I will be inclined towards a GUILTY.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. I had a friend who's dad was excused from jury duty in Cleveland because he was asked about his children, and his daughter worked for the Baltimore Ravens. Dismissed with a "boo hiss".

painted maypole said...

My husband (a pastor) just wears his collar, and he's one of the first ones let go.

Julia said...

On the other hand, I know a law professor who wanted to get on a jury, so every time he was called, he showed up in a suit and tie and answered that he was, you know, a lawyer. And every time he was promptly tossed. So finally he was summoned again, and he wore jeans and a shirt and said that he taught. He got on a jury that time, and enjoyed his experience immensely.

Doughnut said...

I have never got called for jury duty and if I did, I am sure I would be dismissed quickly by just telling them I am a social worker. Sometimes it sucks to be one and other times, its a blessing.

niobe said...

I would love to serve on a jury. Sadly, I don't think I've ever even been called.

Anonymous said...

I served on a jury for a robbery and assault about 1.5 years ago. It was a really great experience and I was delighted to do it but absolutely frustrating in the end because we had to let them go even though we totally knew they were guilty.

Joy said...

haha.. I totally needed a chuckle tonight. This did it. Thanks.