Saturday, July 21, 2007

lost in thought

Painted Maypole (who has one of the best blognames ever)* was kind enough to tap me for a thinking blogger award. Many thanks to Painted Maypole and to the original thinking blogger post that started the whole thing.

Of course, I'm pleased and flattered. But when someone compliments you on your thoughtfulness, you want to write a post saying something, well, thoughtful. But thinking about, or trying to write anything useful about, thought or thoughtfulness or thinkiness or whatever you want to call it is a little like trying to imagine a universe that fills all of infinite space, yet is continually expanding. It's kind of fun at first, but after a while it starts to make your brain hurt.

So, I've given up on that, but I am going to list a few other bloggers who make me think.

There's thirtysomething who blogs about her four adorable kids and, in the process, has a lot to say about mommyhood and life in general.

Lawmommy is often funny and sometimes profound as she describes what she refers to as her "adventures in Vietnamese international adoption and the practice of law in a medium size midwestern city."

Amelies Welt is the fascinating German/English blog of a scientist in Barcelona. And it has great crafts and pictures too.

And Mixter's Mix is a group blog by Reenbo, Yankee T,and Mixter, combining the personal and the political.

If you don't know about their blogs already, you should definitely click over and start reading.

*If you don't recognize the reference, her profile explains all.


S said...

You are a thinky blogger. If the shoe fits...


thirtysomething said...

Congrats! Well-earned and much-deserved.

painted maypole said...

There is a pressure, eh? Well handled. And thanks for the props on the blogname.

I cannot read your post about Harry Potter yet... I saw it and immediately skipped it... haven't finished reading yet and can't risk learning something new... must go read now, in fact...

Yankee T said...

Thanks for the nod. Discovering your blog several months ago was a great thing for me. You are an amazing writer with an incredible story to tell.