Tuesday, August 7, 2007

carte postale

I'm sitting on a futon couch, five stories up from the very noisy Boulevard Saint-Germain, listening to traffic. But it's Parisian traffic and I'm listening to it though open windows as tall as doors and, yes, if I turn my head to the right, just over the rooftops and chimneys, I can see the Eiffel Tower. I'm blogging in Paris and that -- well, that and two glasses of the Auxey Duresses from the refrigerator -- makes me feel happier than I can remember being in a long, long time.


Beruriah said...

Oh, jealousy....as much of the Auxey Duresses as the scene itself. I hope the happiness continues. Please write about a buttery pastry soon (no chocolate in it though)....

Antropóloga said...

Yay! How fun. Can't wait for pictures. THERE MUST BE PICTURES!

Julia said...

I am not even going to try de-constructing that experience-- I am tickled at that h word in there, and that's enough for me. I am going to wait a couple of hours and join you in the land of the boozy, though-- gotta respect those time zones.

L said...

I am also thrilled you used the "h" word. Keys to loving Paris:

beaucoup de vin
beaucoup de shopping
beaucoup de pain au chocolat
plus de vin

It's a very well tested recipe, and I can guarantee that it will work.

The Oneliner (Christina) said...

i am jealous, but am very happy that you are happy..if only for a minute.

S. said...

How wonderful. It makes me happy to hear you say it.

Caro said...


Christine said...

good for you niobe!!!! i am so so glad you are feeling happy in paris.

meg said...

I'm glad to hear that happiness has made an appearance. Let's hope your trip gives you lots of happy moments! Have a wonderful time.

thirtysomething said...

Just what the Doc prescribed, eh?
Have a wonderful and relaxing time Niobe.

Anonymous said...

Happy that you're happy. And wishing I could channel the experience at this very moment. But your post is a close second, since I can see those windows in my mind's eye.

S said...

My jealousy has dropped away just like that.

Because you're happy!

Phantom Scribbler said...

It makes me smile just to read it.

Anonymous said...

It is wonderful to hear!

Enjoy your trip!

Magpie said...

Quelle joie!

Red or white wine??

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that. Keep enjoying the city! (I was going to write something in French, but it doesn't come to my mind...)

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous! Enjoy!!!

delphi said...

Awesome! Jealous!

Ruby said...

Sounds wonderful!

Stay happy, you deserve it!

Angel Mom said...

Niobe, I'm thrilled for you. May your entire trip bring nothing but happiness.

Aurelia said...

It's so wonderful that you are happy, even for a few moments! I'm sooo glad for you.

wannabe mom said...

it makes me happy that you are happy. enjoy your time in paris.

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful time. Paris a wonderful balm, I find.

Casey said...


AJW5403 said...

I am so jealous. I would love to see Paris one day. You must take lots of photos and share your trip with us.

Furrow said...

I'm sorry I've been away for so long. I missed the favorite word post. I have one on the tip of my tongue, but it won't come off. It feels good, though.

I'm so glad you're there. It makes me tres, tres happy.

niobe said...

magpie: It's a white burgandy. I didn't know such things existed. But, as it turns out, I'm very glad they do.

Mrs. Collins said...

Congratulations on the happiness! Hopefully some will follow you home. Can you describe some of the pleasant scents.. maybe in a haiku (although that is not exactly Parisian. Oh, love the pics, thanks!