Tuesday, December 11, 2007

in bed

It's a little hard to make out, but that's a picture of me. The orientation is reversed -- the grey blur is my shirt, the pinkish-orange blur, my pajamas.

Do you like or hate having your picture taken? Do you think you look the same way as you do in real life, or do you see a stranger in the photos?


Cate said...

I hate having my picture taken unless I am prepared for it. I obsess over every detail when I look at pictures of myself. I don't have a very good body image.

Nicole said...

On one hand, I like to have my picture taken. I always hold out hope that this photo will finally be the one that I like. But, in reality, I hate it because the results are never what I hoped they would be.

Anonymous said...

I mostly like it. I like it to just be off my face and chest, though. Or my hair, lol.

Katie said...

I have very few photos of me I like. One is my facebook profile, one is my passport photo (which I scanned and use for everything I need that size photo for, no I don't care it's 5 years old!) the other is of me in silhouette that used to be my facebook profile, the reason I like it; my boobs look huge!
I keep living in hope I'll get another one I like, maybe at this years xmas meal in the dress I just bought in which I feel fabulous!

Aurelia said...

I think I look like my pictures but I never ever believe that it's my voice coming out of the speakers when I see videos of myself.

Very very odd sensation.

DD said...

I look better when I don't try so hard, but the camera, overall, hates me. Hard to believe, being a former super model and all... *insert goofy emoticon here*

christina(apronstrings) said...

i am much more comfortable behind the camera. for our adoption book, we had a horrible time fiding pictures of me.
i like a couple of pictures of myself that i like, but generally i hate them and don't even import them into Photoshop. I always think i look older and more serious in them. blech.

Lori said...

It's not so much that I like having my picture taken, but I do like having the tangible memories that pictures offer. I have photographs all over my home, and am quite compulsive about getting photos into albums (or photo books- thank you Shutterfly!). The memories that photos offer are priceless to me. I am even willing to stomach a few bad pictures of myself if they allow me to travel back to a particular place and time.

Emily said...

I like to have my picture taken, but I am always surprised who develops. I rarely look the way I do in my head. (Incidently, I have a pic of myself up at my place...I think it's me.)

Bon said...

i'm curious about photos enough that i don't really mind having them taken, though it's a rare occurrence these days (hence recent blog post). but i seldom look like i expect. if my expectations are high, i'll hate the photo. if they're low, i can be pleasantly surprised...particularly if the photo, like yours here, isn't a classic portrait.

Aunt Becky said...

I like having my picture taken, but I'm pretty sure that's a learned thing. I was a late-in-life baby, and my father AND grandfather had a little photography obsession going on, which effectively meant that I have more pictures of myself than you can imagine.

Christine said...

i don't mind having them take at all, but i never am truly happy with how i look in them.

Antropóloga said...

I don't really mind. It's rare that I'm in a picture--usually I am taking them. I like evidence that Baby actually had a mother, because otherwise it'd just be a bunch of pics of her with her Daddy! Sometimes I'm surprised by how nice I look, sometimes I don't look as nice in the picture as I think I look in person, but I guess it evens out. Nobody else pays nearly as much attention to one looks as oneself.

You really like to give parts of yourself piece by piece!

Waiting Amy said...

I don't particularly mind having my picture taken, but I don't generally like the results. I'm not extemely body conscious but I rarely like my face or expression. Plus I often critique the composition. Besides, I'm generally the one behind the lens.

Like others have said, when I need a picture that includes me, its tough to find one!

E. Phantzi said...

I'm really vain, so I LOVE having my picture taken. Hate the profile shots though, usually.

I think your self-portrait is really interesting, though - it's so you! Half-revealed, half-concealed, deliberate misdirection accompanied by clues for those who take the time to look more closely. Hide & seek in by moonlight.

Anonymous said...

I liked it a lot 20 pounds ago. Now I only like it from great, no perfect, angles on good hair days.
Age and vanity go hand in hand, huh?

EmmaL said...

I absolutely hate it. Pictures of me always look terrible. I hope I don't actually look like I do in pictures. There has only been one photo of me in years it seems that is even decent.

Anonymous said...

I hate having my picture taken but that's just me and my body-issues. Even though I have an excellent sense of self, I still feel like I have no idea who that person is when I see a picture of myself. I do like pics of myself with 3 or 4 other people like my girlfriends, family or husband.

Tash said...

I used to be that person that everyone said, "you ALWAYS look good in photos. Now I'm hiding behind people in the back row. And this year? I've aged about 10 years since February, I've totally let down on my upkeep, and really really look like shit. I never, ever want to remember this period in my life. As I tell people now, "I'm not available for the photographic record."

the dragonfly said...

I don't really mind, although I generally like candid shots better than those of the "say cheese!" variety. Lately I've actually been asking for people to take my picture...since I'm usually the one with the camera, I'm never in any pictures with my son!

Am I doing okay? said...

Time seems to have a positive effect on photos I see of myself. My initial reaction is ugh! but after a few months/years I think look at that happy skinny pretty girl/woman/mom.

ms. G said...

I don't like getting my picture taken, however, like Lori said, I like the tangible proof of that particular time in life. I only don't like getting my picture taken because I feel uncomfortable as I pose, and I need to pose, because if not, I will always, yes always, have my eyes closed or something. It is actually a running joke in my family how many pictures of me exist where my eyes are closed.

Like Tash said, there are few of me from the first year after M died, and when I look at them, even if I'm smiling, I can see how broken I look.

Julia said...

I am not a fan. But I have stopped fighting it as part of my campaign to be ok with my body. And because I am now afraid to miss things, to not have a record of important things. which I learned this year you never know what will turn out to have been important.

Anonymous said...

I don't like seeing pictures of myself. Well, not at this weight, anyway.

Kami said...

I love having my picture taken. I love getting attention, especially positive attention. I hate seeing picture of me that aren't flattering - knowing that sometimes I really do look like that. I do like seeing picture that make me look good - like when I am all dressed up and wearing makeup (which I rarely do)

Yankee T said...

I'm the one behind the camera 99% of the time. Good thing, too, because otherwise there would be no photos of my family.

susan said...

I like looking at pictures of me and other people--but getting my own picture taken, not so fun.

Julie Pippert said...


Love to capture memories, know this will be something for later on, for me, for my kids...

Always hope this will be the photo that somehow really shows me, the me I think I am, the me I want to see in photos.

Hate because it never seems to.

Using My Words

Sunny said...

Very rarely I am captured as me. I over smile and squint my eyes. Then when I look at the picture I tear it apart. I think you need my personality to go with the oversized smile to get it all. HA!

Caro said...

I hate having my picture taken. It is extremely rare that I like the results. This was proven once again last night by the several pictures my husband took last night not one of which I liked.

meg said...

I've noticed in looking through the photos in iphoto...that there are quite a few of me, obscured by the middle finger salute. So, I guess it's fair to say that I don't really like having my photo taken.

Maggie said...

I don't mind having my picture taken - I try to make sure that when I am taking a pictures of everyone else that there is at least one of me - otherwise when I look back, I'm the only one who seems like they weren't around for the good time!

Although it is not to be denied that there are some REALLY horrible pictures of me out there. Oh well - I guess it just goes with the territory...

AJW5403 said...

I don't care to have my picture taken. When I see a picture of myslef all I can say is do I really look that bad.

Brenda said...

I HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE having my photo taken. My MIL always brings her camera when she visits and now i just tell her if she brings it inside I will have to put it in the loo! lol


Jennifer said...

My pictures look ok after several tries...but I'm not happy with them. I think I'm smiling but I'm not.
It depends on who is behind the camera. I feel like a geek doing self portraits all the time.
Yet if someone else is behind the camera...I'm aprehensive...not knowing if I look ok due to lack of feed back...or non connection to myself.