Sunday, January 6, 2008

sunday night, after dinner

It's pretty much, as they say, all good. There are Tarocco oranges on the counter, someone (not me) made an impressive chocolate souffle,* and, from this angle, you can't see the stack of dishes in the sink.

*Though it's not included in the recipe, I'm told that the secret to a perfect souffle is to add two or three drops of lemon juice to the egg whites and cream of tartar before mixing.


Maggie said...

Sounds like a pretty good evening to me!

Great shot of the orange!

Mrs. Collins said...

Sounds like a great way to end the weekend. I'm no cook so I wouldn't know beans about souffle, but I sure can eat!!

painted maypole said...

oh you are making me hungry!

Magpie said...

I probably shouldn't say this but the orange looks like a pregnant belly to me.

the dragonfly said...


Oranges always make me salivate. I could eat oranges and drink orange juice every day....but alas, I am allergic. Sad.

KH99 said...

Oranges seem to be everywhere lately. Maybe I should eat one? Great picture!

Waiting Amy said...

Glad to see you are indulging during your time solo.

I can't imagine ever making a souffle, but eating it, well ...

niobe said...

Magpie: Hearts, pregnant bellies...I'm going to have to start looking at my pictures more closely before I post them.

charmedgirl said...

HA! before i scrolled down, i thought you had lost it, niobe...i thought, how could a girl so intricately entwined in her denial post a belly pic??

ahhh, it's just a glorious orange. i actually just mistyped orange and it looked alot like, yeah. things are getting crazy around here.

baking: i abhor it. way too restricting. i love to cook, where almost anything i screw up can be fixed with butter or cream...

Beck said...

That orange photo is beautiful - and also looks rather like a breast.
No? Is it just me?
You should come be my kitchen photographer now.

S said...

i'm with beck --- breast.

thrice said...

Textured, tasty fruit. It's often pretty these days, but just not as tasty.

Amanda said...

Breast? Belly? I just thought you forgot to put the groceries away and saw a daunting task with a purposeful eye.

Let me think on this as I put my own groceries away...

meg said...

Well, you know me and my avoidance of anything to do with I didn't see a belly. Just an orange. Anyhow, despite the orange being in focus, there is more of the background (the sink?) in the frame, so my eye went more to that.

Everyone is just reading their own fertile thoughts into it, that's what I think.

Julia said...

I am almost convinced that the world that has sinks and enough dishes to pile in those also has three types of people in it-- those who have compulsive need to wash the dishes right away; those who don't like it, but do it anyway before going to bed; and those who are happy when they can find an angle from which you can't see the dishes. I am always happy to find others in my category (ahem, the last one). I don't know whether that's because there are truly so few of us or because people tend to not admit to membership in this category...