Tuesday, April 14, 2009


At the suggestion of Kathy McC and Marin, (thanks, guys!) I submitted my not-exactly-kosher-for-Passover coconut cake to Cake Wrecks, which, amazingly enough, featured it (along with a few other hilarious Passover cakes)

Do you think this counts as part of my fifteen minutes?


Ya Chun said...

I thought I had seen that Cake Wreaks post before and couldn't figure out why she had reposted it! Google Reader does make it hard to tell where stuff is coming from sometimes...and I totally read over the credit it for it on the site - like there is another niobe out there!!

And no, that's just towards the 15 min of notoriety...

JW Moxie said...


Magpie said...

It's maybe a half a minute of your fifteen.

sara said...

Very cool!

Clementine said...

I saw that! Good stuff.

Meg said...

Niobe, I actually came here to tell you this! How exciting! I love that site and I love yours too. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

That site rules. And yes, you are now famous.

Anonymous said...

For what it's worth...I lurk your blog (sorry, I know, I should comment) and got really excited for you when I saw it on cake wrecks!

Maggie said...

That totally counts as part of your 15 minutes! And that's awesome that they featured it!

Aurelia said...

Dude, you ARE famous.

Next, Perez Hilton will find you!

Unknown said...

I usually lurk, but I saw that post on Cake Wrecks and got SOOOO excited thinking, "That's Niobe's cake!!" It got a lot of great comments, too. :-) I think you're definitely getting more famous by the minute!

Caro said...

Very cool

Melissa said...

I saw it too! I was like huh...2 blogs I read are referencing each other....it's bizarro world! Spiderman is going to go bad, now...just watch!

Azaera said...

I saw it on cakewrecks and felt kind of special since I saw it here first. lol

Hannah said...

Heh. I just still think it's hilarious even though the explanations of why it was not kosher for passover did kind of take the fun out of it a little bit.

Emily said...

OH Ha! I saw that and thought, I've only ever heard of one Niobe. It WAS YOU! :)

That was pretty funny. Did you see the smoking lamb cakes? WTF?

Angela said...

Two of my favorite blogs mashed together! Hurray!