Monday, May 11, 2009

welcome to the working week

moondog I
Scene: Monday morning, my street, my car. Shattered glass all over the sidewalk and the front passenger seat. My (cheap) cell phone and (ancient) iPod gone.

Sympathy is always appreciated, but what I'd really, really love are recommendations for a new phone and/or provider.

updated to add the silver lining: Well, the good news is that it turns out insurance covers the cost of replacing the window -- with no deductible! And the other good news is that, while vacuuming glass shards, I found my cell phone, apparently tossed under the seat in disgust. While you guys make the iPhone sound awfully tempting, there are definitely advantages to having a phone so clunky, hideous and app-free that even a thief doesn't want it.


Eden Riley said...

Ahh, welcome to Monday. That truly sucks .. even though your iPod ancient and your phone cheap ... what a total pain in the arse.

Getting the window fixed will be the real killer .. I'm sorry!

Anonymous said...

If you get an iPhone, it'll have the iPod built right in. They only use AT&T though and they are a bit pricey.

Anonymous said...

It totally sucks when replacing the window is more expensive than the stuff they stole. I don't have a cell phone and I barely use my Ipod 80mb. I'm thinking I could've gotten by with a nano. Hope your week gets better, which it seems is rather likely.

Anonymous said...

So that's awesome.

If not an iPhone, I recommend Sprint. I've had them for the last 8 years, ever since I first GOT a cell phone, and I dig them. I have a Rumor phone, which has a QWERTY keyboard for texting that is awesome and that I don't know how I lived without for so many moons.

I'm sorry, Niobe. To reiterate what Eden said, TOTAL pain in the arse.

Anonymous said...

So that's awesome.

If not an iPhone, I recommend Sprint. I've had them for the last 8 years, ever since I first GOT a cell phone, and I dig them. I have a Rumor phone, which has a QWERTY keyboard for texting that is awesome and that I don't know how I lived without for so many moons.

I'm sorry, Niobe. To reiterate what Eden said, TOTAL pain in the arse.

Bon said...

oh. nice way to start the week shitty.

i'm seconding(fourthing?) the iPhone recommendation. i don't even have one, but Dave lives on his, reads books on it, even. you can learn to play the flute on the damn thing! friends, influence's pretty cool.

JW Moxie said...

Well, shit.

That's all I got.

painted maypole said...

i love love love my iphone, plus, as has already been pointed out, you get the ipod as a bonus right in the phone (hiding face in shame as I admit i have yet to load a single song onto mine... hey! I've been busy!)

calliope said...

wow. that is a pretty lame ass case of the Mondays. oof!
If I was in a new phone/new ipod place I would be all up in an iphone. Serious covet!

and I love the photo today, by the way.

Betty M said...

Crappy start to the day. What a loathsome scrote as we would say round these parts.

I sixth the I-phone - totally utterly love mine. So love being able to check all sorts of utterly foolish things with the press of a finger. It has a great texting capability too.

K @ ourboxofrain said...

Well that sucks.

I was due for my new every 2 (Verizon) more than 2 years ago, but remain attached to my more-than-four-year-old Samsung with no bells or whistles -- just a small phone with a long battery life. If my employer would let me get an iPhone and use it on our work network, I would make the jump to AT&T (my husband already did and loves the iPhone and the AT&T coverage map, which is better than Verizon for us). But they make me have a blackberry, and I can't bear the thought of carrying around two smart phones. A phone and a blackberry is bad enough.

Tash said...

What Kathy said. Plus, rumor is Verizon will lose iPhone exclusivity soon -- like possibly this year or next. If you're an iPhone fan but not a verizon one, maybe buy a short contract and hope you can move it elsewhere within the year?

And SONOFABITCH. what a way to start Monday. My sympathies.

Maggie said...

I am mildly obsessed with the idea of getting an iPhone myself, but I can't bring myself to fork over that much money for one.

I have Verizon, which I am quite happy with as far as service and cost goes. I have a Motorola Q, since I do like the ability to use the internet/email/calendar aspects of a smart phone.

Wordgirl said...


I hate that -- there's nothing to make your stomach sink like the shattered glass of your car's window...been there...way too often.

I wish I had advice on the phone -- my phone is a very boring unadorned model that is rarely, or within reach...come to think of it -- where is my phone??

Sorry for the Monday...


Amelie said...

Argh. Sorry.
I'd love an iPhone, but it's too expensive and too likely to be stolen (after R had his taken out of his hand by a passing motorbiker, I don't have much trust left on this issue). So I have the one they give you for free, Nokia, acceptable battery life. Hope the glass is fixed without too much pain.

Which Box said...

What Tash said (except she meant AT&T exclusive contact, not Verizon - the rumor is AT&T will lose exclusive contract because Verizon wants in on the action).

THe upside is you combine the phone and ipod in one thing. And if you geek out over gadgets, the iphone is cool. But (shh, don't tell anyone I said this) honestly, the iphone has not magically changed my life. It's not the most fabulous thing eva. It's cool, but I do not need a million special apps to do a million cool things (like pretend to drink a beer? wtf?). I need a phone that works, I like the ipod, I like the photo display (the camera itself is eh), I really like the map app. The rest is fluff and mostly fun, but you know. I also went through two buggy phones the first 2 months, both replaced promptly and now this one has been good the past year.

Amanda said...

What a horrible way to start a Monday! I have a Blackberry Curve with Sprint and really like it. Also, the Palm Pre comes out in June, which is a touch screen phone that will rival the iPhone (though June is too long to wait for a phone when yours is now missing).

We've been Sprint customers for around 10 years, and our service is very good and relatively inexpensive. They also have a "secret" retention line that allows existing customers to get great deals on new products when it's time to renew their contracts.

Good luck making such a tough decision!

jill said...

Theft and destruction of property is such a violation. Even if the stolen items weren't worth much - it hurts. I'm sorry that happened to you.

Contrary to most of the other commenters, my husband bought and used an iphone for a while and did not like it. Typing on the keypad touch-screen was frustrating for him. He is very picky about his electronics though.

I have a blackberry for work and a krazor for personal. I really love my krazor - small, easy to use - but it's just a normal phone, nothing fancy. I like my bb too but I wouldn't ever buy one myself.

As far as providers, we've been with Verizon for over 8 years so I don't have anything to compare with. We've never had any trouble with them and the coverage is usually very good.

Katie said...

Oh bugger!
For me it has to be an iPhone, I got my first contract phone at Easter and I can't believe how wonderful it is, also if you get an iPhone you won't need to replace the iPod.

Aurelia said...

Blackberry Bold, hands down, no question. The keyboard is a dream, and it surfs and does all the things that the Iphone does, but doesn't have the virtual keyboard that irritated me. (Women with nails longer than a mm can't use a virtual keyboard easily.)

No idea about providers, just thank your lucky stars you have choices and cheap plans. We have the most expensive cell and data plans in the world in Canada. And pathetic service.

Aurelia said...

(And you can store and play music and photos and videos on a blackberry, in case I didn't make that clear.)

Kristin said...

That sucks. Wile I don't have a phone, I've been lusting after a crackberry...oh I mean Blackberry.

Deshaine said...

Samsung Omnia (5 MP digi cam) and is Windows based.

Samsung Saga is a world phone, is Windows based.

Both can be found at Verizon.

iPhone is cool, trendy and all that. But AT&T coverage may be sketchy in your neck of the woods. And the contractual requirements (if you lose, break your phone, or if it get's stolen, again before your contract expires and if you don't have insurance) are jacked. Inquire with them about such when you research.

I drooled over the iPhone, but wasn't going to switch toi AT&T to get it.

I've never had a problem with Verizon issuing me a new phone (I have insurance on it, Treo 700W). I found their coverage, in my rural area, to be stellar.

good luck.

karma will find them. and they will be punished.

Kami said...

Oh, that sucks. I don't have recommendation because I think they all rip you off.

I have heard horror stories of cell phone companies not acknowledging that the phone was stolen and suing the rightful owner for overages so my recommendation is to get them to confirm your report in writing.

k@lakly said...

That SUCKS. I need a new phone too. Let me know what you find out. I have ATT and usually have reception when others don't. But that's here in CA could be totally different where you are.

Magpie said...

See now, when I needed a new phone and a new iPod, I got an iPhone. And I love it more than I can say.

Bummer about the broken glass, but the iPhone will be the silver lining.

Virginia said...

Well, crap. No idea about the phone, though - pretty technologically clueless here.

Antropóloga said...

Oof, messy.

No advice though.

janis said...

oh, what a crappy way to start the week!
I think I'm one of those rare few who uses her cell phone so infrequently it is charged about once a month, and certainly is not of the fancy variety.

christina(apronstrings) said...

iphone! (sorry, that sucks. )

erica said...

My phone is so laughably old that I'm ashamed to take it out and use it in public, so it's nice to hear that there's an advantage to the clunky phone.

And crap, I'm sorry.

pbugsmommy said...

Well damn. I had to buy a new phone today, I washed mine yesterday with a load of sheets. I got the new Rant from Sprint, it seems o.k. so far.

flutter said...

I love my blackberry and my provider is verizon

Val said...

Since I hooked up to Vonage, my cell phone usage has gone down so far that I've recently opted for a pre-paid with TracFone. My old phone would have been tossed under the seat too.

My car got broke into many moons ago. What did they get, you ask? The change in the center console (maybe $1.50) and not another damn thing.

docgrumbles said...

I seriously need a phone, too (well, not "too" I suppose since yours turned out to be under the seat). It is old, the screen is broken after I dropped it, and the battery dies really really quickly. I've been lusting for an IPhone, but I don't want to switch to AT&T. Bleh.

GReat that insurance covered the window.

Cara said...

Wow - what a way to start your week! I'm not helpful in the phone dept as having one is rather counterproductive up here with NO reception.

Glad you found it...and horray for insurance!

Amelie said...

yay for the update, I definitely see your point on the ancient phone.