Monday, June 22, 2009


right round
The other day, the lovely and charming Artblog wrote an intriguing post about a detox plan she'd tried for a few weeks back in January, noting that she'd stopped after she (coincidentally) ended up pregnant. Now, I absolutely do not want to get pregnant and I'm not really looking to lose weight, but it sounded like, I dunno, fun? a challenge?

I emailed Artblog to get more information and she sent me a detailed plan, filled with tips, tricks and encouragement. (if you have any interest, I'm sure she'd send it to you too). Right now, I'm on day one. I keep telling myself that it won't kill me to give up caffeine for a couple of weeks. It just feels that way.

Wish me luck. And tell me what the strangest or best diet plan you've ever tried?

(Oh, and the photo is of a girl riding a carousel at night. If you look closely, you can just make out her hands and face. Appropriate, no?)


thirtysomething said...

Good luck! Was interested until I read the no-caffeine part. N.O.

niobe said...

Thirtysomething: I know. I know. I MISS my lattes already.

G$ said...

Sounds like what I try to do while cycling. Currently I am RE toxing, thankyouverymuch. Mmmm iced tea, cake and vodka, hurrah.

Rachel said...

I absolutely cannot picture you without your lattes.

No discouragement intended. Good luck.

Deshaine said...

I did LA Weightloss for 18 months. I lost 60+ pounds.

On the day I weighed in at my lowest was also the day I conceived. :\

Not really a strange diet. But. There it is.

I'm totally addicted to Diet Coke with Splenda. I try not to indulge in too many. It's a slippery slope. Do research on how much damage caffeine does to your body. Maybe that will help motivate you to avoid the caffeine. There are some medical benefits to caffeine as well...

Good luck with... detoxing.

Tash said...

I'm afraid of what caffeine would be replaced with were I to give it up. I can't imagine it would be healthy.

I've just finished a running book that has seriously hit a nerve with me, so I'm going to start slowly implementing some things from there (all gradual like), including trying salad for breakfast a few times per week. (Apparently one wakes up dehydrated, and salad is a perfect food to replenish, plus you can eat a ton and go run shortly thereafter without having to digest as well. All the guys/gals in the book still drink coffee/beer so I'm thinking this program is doable.)

Ya Chun said...

um, i'm dizzy.

good luck depolluting

Kristin said...

Love the picture! I have dieted but never anything too odd.

S said...

i can't get over how wonderful that photo is.

Anonymous said...

Have you read "In Defense of Food?" After reading that, I decided to change how I eat. I can't detox yet (need caffeine in order to work) but I am hoping by eating all the fresh organic CSA veggies, I am moving in the right direction.

Amelie said...

I tried a soup diet -- and gave up after 3 days. With lots of soup left, not to mention all the vegetables bought to make soup...
Also, I love coffee. I try to limit myself to one per day, but I really really enjoy it and don't want to miss it.

Jacinta said...

There was a major craze in the office about two years ago for the lemon detox. Yup, two weeks of water and lemon juice only. So lots of going home early and feeling rather lightheaded.
Lots of people went back to binge drinking after that!

Aurelia said...

The all apple diet. It was moronic, and I got very sick.

Speaking of which, take vitamins please! Don't know what's in or not in this diet, but sometimes you end up missing things. So take something with minerals and iron. Shutting up now....

gretchen said...

I did Weight Watchers and lost 51 pounds in 4 months. And then I got pregnant.

"Results not typical." said the Disclaimer.

red pen mama said...

I (idiotically) tried a no-fat diet. And I mean NO fat. I'm a vegetarian, and it was a vegetarian diet -- only with no nut butters, tofu, soy, cheese, etc.

It sucked. And I will never, ever do it again. I'm not 100% sure why I did it in the first place. I think I wanted a flatter stomach. I would have been much better off doing some crunches.

I did, however, continue to indulge in caffiene and alcohol. They have no fat in them, after all.

Good luck to you! Keep us updated.


Manapan said...

Good luck with the detoxing!

My crazy diet was the incredibly restrictive diet of a middle schooler who had no idea about nutrition. One healthful meal a day, and if I wanted anything else to eat, it had to be cereal. I did lose 50 pounds, though I was terribly anemic by the time I finally quit.

Caro said...

Good luck!

Kami said...

Good luck! I hope it is life changing or at least makes you appreciate caffeine with renewed vigor after you are done.

Anonymous said...

I think I might try the detox. Although no caffeine and no beer could be a tough one.