just an "idea"
via Pengo:
If, like me, you're extremely easily amused, click over to The "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks.
I'm sure you'll "enjoy" it.
via Pengo:
If, like me, you're extremely easily amused, click over to The "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks.
I'm sure you'll "enjoy" it.
at or about
5:14 PM
That's Divine. I wish I could come up with a Clever blog idea like that. You know what Else I find hilarious. Totally unnecessary Capitalization.
That was "amusing."
very "funny." I was seriously "cracking up."
Oh, and I always Unnecessarily capitalize. "Sorry"
"very funny". I Enjoyed That.
next, up: the blog, about unnecessary, commas. they really, drive me crazy, even more than, "unnecessary" quotation marks.
Slouching Mom: I think there may be a niche open for The Comma, Blog. I've seen blogs about the misuse of apostrophes and of lower case L, but never one about commas.
Maybe you should start one in your "free time."
I found this to be amusing, too. But now I am feeling self-conscious about my use of quotations and am fighting the urge to go back through my blog to hunt for them.
Do you happen to know the URLs of the other blogs you mentioned (apostrophes & lower case L)? I am terribly curious about them.
Slouching Mom: I am right there with you on the improper and over-use of commas. I came to a breaking point at the end of the semester when I was editing stacks of papers. There are several other annoying yet common mechanics and usage mistakes, but that one is by far the most severe.
basilbean: that was actually the reason I hesitated to post this. I know that many people worry about making mistakes in writing and I didn't want to make anyone feel, as you say, self-conscious. I know I make all sorts of mistakes. I just don't worry about them. Well, not too much anyway.
Here are the blogs I know about. I'm sure there are others.
apostrophe abuse
lower case l
Thanks for the links.
I am all too aware of apostrophe misuse. You know, I think I may make it a contest next year to have my students find things like this. Perhaps it will help them to become aware of their grammar mistakes in a fun way that might even stick.
I had never been aware of the lower case L issue.
I really am not that worried about my grammar & usage mistakes...not in a way that will keep me up at night or anything. I bought a book once about common mistakes/misuse and at first I found it to be quite interesting and also troubling. But then Mr. C and I got into a conversation about how our language is alive and evolving and that many rules no longer apply. I'll stick to my guns about the big ones, though, since I can have at least some impact on the students I teach.
There are many more commas that are proper and required in the Old Country Language than in English, which means that I have been trying pretty hard to not put a comma everywhere I feel like one should go... But I am pretty sure I am still overusing them.
I love "stuff" like that! Thanks!
I love that. And the other two.
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